Monday, April 27, 2020

Resolving Differences

There are a few things I learn from Pokémon, of which some I detailed in a post that I wrote up about a year ago. For this post, I'd like to detail one more of those things. That thing concerns how I and others as Pokémon fans would go about to resolve differences between us. It's an important thing in a way, as Pokémon fans like I myself and others hail from different backgrounds, which means that the potential for disconnection by them is significant. If it happens, it has to be resolved in some manner.

That manner would be through actual Pokémon battles on the battlefield. By undertaking those battles, one may have the chance to assert things about ideals, backgrounds, and so on. Wins in those battles would lend support and losses would decrease that. Still, it may not be all black-or-white, as wins may not fully prove things and yet losses may not fully disprove them either, and then there is the matter of possible draws to consider. It's kind of like academic studies that show different results with different circumstances despite similar methodologies. At least, some things may be mediated through them just as Pokémon battles can also mediate differences.

I've actually discussed this to some extent in another post I wrote a little over three years ago about "dialectics", which I've stated that to some extent Pokémon battles are. Even so, this post could be considered to be an expansion to that and as a kind of "assertion". The focus of this post is on differences and how Pokémon battles can settle them. As above, the differences among people may not necessarily be all black or all white, and the results of battles might make things less or more either way. However much, it might still be regarded as a "settlement".

The way that things went in yesterday's tournament might be considered an indication. The few wins that I had meant that I could only assert some things about myself that are the same, but not much. The rest meant that many differences were still abound, and I'd need to do more to resolve them. The bye win could be taken as a "relief" that the current situation did not lend much for my differences, which is the only settlement I received this time. Therefore, much remains to be settled on the battlefield next time, whenever that may be.

Granted, yesterday's situation in my case wasn't all that great - it made the differences more striking. But in the general case, there seems to be more to be said about the power that Pokémon battles have in being able to resolve differences. The simplest is that it is certain that Pokémon fans come with different "packages" and "possessions", and that on the battlefield, there may be opportunities for them to be "appreciated" or "downplayed", and thus the differences are resolved accordingly. It's a great thing that can and should happen.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 4/27/2019
Two years ago: Groups and Sub-Groups
Three years ago: Out of This World: Episode 690 - "A UFO for Elgyem!"

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