Monday, April 13, 2020

Pokémon Helmet Covers?

As I've indicated in a few posts on this blog, I have an appreciation for itasha and would be interested in making one of my own, especially with Pokémon included. I also have partiality to motorcycles, due to some circumstances that direct me to itasha. When it comes to motorcycles, one can't escape the fact that to ride, one needs certain accessories for both comfort and safety, one of which is the all-important helmet. And in relation to (or rather, in complementing) itasha, there is one way in particular that helmets may be involved.

By the title of this post, that would be their use with helmet covers. For those who like certain creature (or furry) characters, certain helmet covers can be made that make the helmet look like those characters. In the case of Pokémon, that would be helmet covers that make a helmet look like a Pokémon, such as Pikachu for a popular example or Lucario for a particularly furry example, including their characteristic features and appendages. For those who really like their Pokémon characters, this would be the ultimate step to take, to be able to ride around looking like them, at least the head part anyway.

A few friends of my friends who are associated with itasha have these helmet covers for their helmets, albeit not related to Pokémon. One of them says that it is possible to craft one, by that person no less, and this could be a potential possibility should one takes this path. Another possibility is to purchase one; a quick research shows that at least Pikachu is available through certain outlets, though this may have to be double-checked to make sure the right one is to be purchased. Either way, one has to be absolutely certain for this desire, and they may or may not come cheaply, as with itasha itself.

These helmet covers look funky and exciting, but they do have some concerns as well. One is that they could change the helmet in not just appearance but also function, potentially for the worse; for example, an exterior part may need to be changed, or using the cover may make wearing the helmet uncomfortable. For that reason, some authorities may also frown on their usage, at least in general. This can potentially limit their usage, for example not being for general road usage. But then their usage is already pretty limited anyhow due to how silly they may look in some respects. These become further considerations in desiring one.

Those who are attracted to itasha and in particular motorcycle itasha as well as Pokémon may consider the use of these helmet covers. Behind their funky appearance, they are rather emblematic of one's interests in both automotive and pop culture. Yet, they do present other considerations besides appearance and pleasantries. There is still something to like about these helmet covers, especially for me as a Pokémon fan and someone who appreciates (motorcycle) itasha. These would totally be my next considerations in the event that I'm able to bring all these together.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Community Day, 4/13/2019
Two years ago: Go at Home
Three years ago: Paint It, Picross

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