Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Allure and Wonder of "Shundo"

As is true to my linguistic background, I am fascinated with phenomena that involve languages, especially if they can and do re-involve Pokémon as what I really like. There is one such phenomenon that has persisted for some time that I haven't covered on this blog, and there's no time like the present to cover it. The phenomenon ties into the strange word I mentioned in the title of this post - "Shundo". I'll admit it was strange the first time I heard it, but it is a very neat one, more so to discuss in and out.

The word and term is a blend of the words "Shiny" and "hundred", the latter as rendered in Japanese (hundoreddo). Therefore, "Shundo" refers to a Shiny Pokémon with 100% stats, something that occasionally happens in Pokémon Go. Shiny Pokémon occur quite often in Pokémon Go, at least more often than in the main series games. Pokémon with 100% stats also occur from time to time, though not very often. Combine them together, and one gets a phenomenon that is rare but spectacular, and it has its own allure and wonder.

Either kind of Pokémon are neat on their own, especially if they are begotten outside of a relevant event. But both together, that is something to behold. It wouldn't be surprising that a few Trainers would desire to have one, including me. I have quite a few 100% Pokémon, but none are Shiny; conversely, I don't have very many Shiny Pokémon with stats that even approach 100%. It would be an interesting turn of events if I somehow manage to get a "Shundo", which would be the grandest Shiny yet that I would have.

Meanwhile, a few of my Pokémon Go fellows have their "Shundo", and they are flaunted from time to time. During the Treecko Community Day about a year ago, a few of them got theirs from the shuffle when one with 100% stats was found, and that becomes theirs. Other often flaunted "Shundo" are in fact very rare, as they are of Articuno and Mewtwo, which are indeed Legendary Pokémon. "Shundo" of common Pokémon is already a wonder, but that of Legendary Pokémon is a wonder of wonders. They all are as such regardless.

Such is true of the word and term itself as well, which sounds strange at first but makes for something neat once understood. So neat, in fact, that it becomes captivating enough for many and quite wondersome as well. Those same qualities seem to apply to the word and term, at least for me with my linguistic background. Add back Pokémon, and it becomes a phenomenon for me (and us) to take in, as something that some of my fellows have already had a chance to obtain and at some point others like me can obtain as well.

One year ago: Cosplay: J-COSHOKAI 4 - Hibana no Utopia
Two years ago: Other Pokémon Competitions
Three years ago: Pokémon Floor Mat

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