Saturday, April 18, 2020

Love and All

Love will keep me believing
Through the dark, can you hear me calling?
Holding on when I'm dreaming
Love is all, love is all...
-- "Love Is All", Yanni

The musician involved with the above song, whom I've mentioned in quite a few posts on this blog, is mostly known for his instrumental songs, but every so often he composes a piece (song) to have a vocal accompaniment, such as this one. Earlier this week, I started things off with a discussion of a song about love and how it fits in with me and Pokémon, and to close off this week, it seems appropriate for me to discuss another one.

By its lyrics, this song may be regarded to have a particular message, that love is an uplifting thing from rough situations, of which the latter are described in the verses. The "pre-chorus" becomes the buildup to the resolution, which contains the sub-message of becoming steadfast and hopeful, and the chorus - which I've quoted above - is the resolution, containing the message of being carried through by love. The suggestion is that love is not only "all", but also "all that is needed".

Given the messages and with Pokémon in tow, I'm inclined to think of this in different ways. It brings to mind the journey of Greninja from the beginning as a Froakie to its ultimate achievements. It may be considered to apply to Charizard as well in a way, despite the unpleasant middle part of the journey. But most of all, I'm inclined to think about Pikachu as well, as the loyal partner of Ash through all of his journeys. All three display steadfastness and a sense of being uplifted to certain extents, exemplifying the lyrics.

With all three mentioned as above, I'm inclined to create an AMV, though this wouldn't be on my immediate agenda. What is on my immediate agenda, however, is getting rid of a personal image that is unrelated but linked to this song since I first heard it, in consideration of the messages above and how I feel it can be tied to Pokémon. The image has never seemed to apply, and I feel it shouldn't any longer, for I can consider the song with Pokémon and not otherwise.

Most of the works by Yanni have and need no words, but when they do, they can invoke vivid perceptions as above. For others, those may not necessarily be tied to Pokémon, but for myself at the least, Pokémon can and should be involved. I would say that I agree with the sentiments of the song in that love can carry through many things, and if Pokémon can be included, it would seem to be all the more true for love and all.

One year ago: Performance Critique: INOCHI 2019 Sing Cover
Two years ago: Getting Social with Cosplay
Three years ago: Console Renewal?

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