Wednesday, April 15, 2020

On Pokémon and Computing

Something that one may have noticed with Pokémon in its many guises is the presence of PCs, computers, and the like in many places. It's not surprising, really, since a world that resembles the real world would have technological computing devices to assist and improve daily lives. The world also appears to have a lore or two that is related to computing in general and devices in particular. It therefore seems apt to discuss these topics to some extent as they pertain to Pokémon.

For those who play the main series games, it is obvious that PCs are used to access and manage Pokémon storage, and in the past, items as well. For those who watch the anime, the labs of the professors are often fitted with computers of some sort, which certainly are used in their line of work as well as to communicate with others, especially to others via videophones, which may have related "embedded systems". Many people would probably have their own computers for similar purposes, if one early scene from the 20th movie is an indication. The point is that the devices exist for their intended purposes.

Even if the devices look like their real-life counterparts, there is a sense that the nature of these devices are more advanced due to the things that they have to do, such as in assisting the management of Pokémon in their ways. These are things that existing real devices can only dream about doing, though the development in this direction might not be too outlandish in the future. It was that which essentially happened with videophones, as I've detailed in a different post on this blog. Time can only tell what will happen in the future as technology in this world develops.

Meanwhile, in relation to computing, there is a related ethereal Pokémon lore. According to the lore, Metagross has multiple brains that altogether can outpace a supercomputer, let alone regular ones. This implies that these Pokémon have computing potential far beyond any real or imagined devices. While there is no further lore on someone tapping into this potential or even its possibility, it becomes the natural step to take. There may or may not exist "Metagross farms" for computing purposes, and their willingness to participate in such may be questionable, but it's still a fanciful thought.

The topics of computing and devices in relation to Pokémon seems like minor ones to discuss, but there are some major ideals that are involved. For one thing, they do exist, which means that it's possible to being them up; the associated lore only leads to further relations. The reality is that is that people with Pokémon are assisted by computing and devices just as much as people without. It is at least a further improved and advanced reality than one truly without such advancements.

One year ago: The Fullness of the Cup
Two years ago: Cosplay: GAME - Games Animation Marketplace and Exhibition
Three years ago: True Colors (...of a Logo)

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