Sunday, April 12, 2020

I Believe, in Love

Without love I wouldn't believe
I couldn't believe in you
And I wouldn't believe in me
Without love
I believe... in love
-- "Believe", Elton John

The time for love might have passed by a couple of months ago, and the current times might not leave much going for it. However, in spite of that, some of the feeling may still linger, which then reminds me of this song. It has always been one of my favorite songs since I've heard it, and of course for me and considering this blog, it brings to mind Pokémon in certain ways.

Like many of the songs by the same artist, this one is about love, as if the part I quoted above doesn't already make things obvious. It does, in fact, appear in an anthology of similarly themed songs by the same artist, and additionally, its album of origin also contains two songs I've also discussed on this blog in the past. The general point of this song is that love is an important feeling; it's the only valid emotion to feel in becoming one with another. It is also something which allows and upholds conviction and faith, that which the title of the song refers to.

While the first and second verse are rather abstractly derived from real happenings (save for the first two lines each, which tie into the above and here), the third verse becomes the way that the song brings Pokémon to mind. Specifically, what comes to mind is the relation between people and Pokémon, whether the people are Trainers, owners, friends, or whatever to the Pokémon concerned. What seems to seal the deal is the second half of the verse and the following chorus, which are the parts I've quoted above. One has to have trust and attachment for their Pokémon as much as the necessary nurture; it's something that I continually (re)discover with all things Pokémon.

Affection and faith remain important in many ways, if much of this song is any indication. That seems to be the case for Pokémon as well, which means that it is good to be wise about them. With continued prudence, they may just even continue to linger even in these current times, when it seems almost all of them have been drained away. What's left is all that there is, becoming something to hold on to.

One year ago: (Wet and Wild) Local EX Raid, 4/12/2019
Two years ago: Wallpaper: Pokémon 20th Anniversary
Three years ago: Pokémon Couriers?

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