Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The State of Cosplay

With the onset of the current global condition in my area, that has brought many activities to a screeching halt. That includes cosplay events and conventions, for which Ash helped to break the news about one month ago. As a result, I haven't had the incentive to discuss anything related to my Pokémon cosplay. However, after seeing how all the posts from previous years today (see below) dealt with cosplay, whether event updates/reviews or discussions, I felt that it seems worth it to discuss the prospects for this area I enjoy, particularly with Pokémon.

Now, speaking of enjoyment, for some cosplayers in my area, cosplay may be an up-and-down thing, possibly waxing and waning like the moon. In the worst of cases, the interest may fully wane, which means they are no longer interested. Unfortunately, that has become applicable to a majority of members in the spectacular Pokémon-themed project we realized last year (being in the same event one day and one year ago). The female members either have had problems or other issues to deal with, and the result is that they had to restrain from cosplay; this includes the Psyduck debacle from last year. Meanwhile, the other male members are not likely to assist without a good reason. With that, the project has effectively "crashed", and it would take a miracle to start it up again, if at all possible, when events or conventions resume.

That last matter is also worth discussing. With the way things go, those events or conventions are not likely to resume until the situation is under control. Moreover, this time of year is already the "big rest" part of the year, so not much can happen here even with normal conditions. Even so, some have suggested that they may be able to resume as early as four months from now - rather optimistic, I might say - or even nearer to the end of the year, which may be more likely but still somewhat optimistic. Either way, these are only provisional, and things may still change within that time. Any resumption of things will have to have definite plans along with the definite confirmation that things can proceed like they used to. I may even have my own definite plans alongside those definite plans should they be able to proceed again.

That becomes the segue to my own plans. Fortunately, I have no further costume plans - at least ones that I've set in motion - so I'm absolved from efforts to complete things I've started. With these times anyhow, it becomes prohibitively difficult to obtain materials and make progress, particularly if I've started something. The last set I've completed is the 21st feature film version of Ash, which I've only worn on a couple of occasions and had planned for some events or conventions in the pipeline before, well, the pipeline "burst", so to speak. Any future plans will have to depend on the situation. As for other related plans, there are a few songs I still want to sing while in cosplay, perhaps with a band backing things up, so I'd like to make that happen upon the return of events or conventions. I have faith that it will happen when things happen.

At the moment, there really isn't much in the way of prospects in the area of Pokémon cosplay, which I've always been glad to participate in. But at the least I can bring up a few things at the moment after not having discussed cosplay for a good bit of time. Again, it all depends on when the situation improves enough to allow events and conventions to happen once more. At that point, everything that I enjoy about Pokémon cosplay can proceed once again for me personally and all those who enjoy my presence. Things have to take a stop right now, but I'm sure they may go again later on.

One year ago: Cosplay Team Projects, Revisited
Two years ago: Cosplay: Isshoni Tanoshimimashou 13
Three years ago: Cosplay: ComiCamp 2, Day 1

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