Friday, November 1, 2019

Later, Psyduck

A few days ago, I had to preempt one of my planned topics to cover the "developing issue" of one of my friends, the Psyduck cosplayer gone missing. Today, I have to do the same, due to something that happened regarding the matter. Recently, there has been an update on the situation, and it appears that she may be fine and well. However, the question remains regarding her return, and the answer seems to be... not likely, at least in the foreseeable future. It can thus be said to be a farewell of sorts.

The happenings happened the day after I posted that post. Her Facebook profile suddenly returned and with it a new post. In the post, she tells everyone that her leaving was not for her to be found again, but to truly part ways. It is apparently her way of breaking free from her "cage" instead of being forced to remain in it and only let off steam through social media. And now that she has done that, she is free as a bird... or a "duck", as to be more precise, she is Psyduck (or maybe was, at this point). In her own words: "Let the chaos become my voice."

The possibility of her return at this point is pretty much slim to none. And that's somewhat of a shame, because her cosplay is rather celebrated. She had cosplayed other, more mainstream characters before, but taking the plunge to cosplay Psyduck for her is kind of a plunge into something "non-mainstream"... which has the makings of a separate, interesting discussion. In any case, her initial foray of cosplaying Psyduck was welcomed by my figure group on Facebook when it passed through one of my friends there, and it seems most of my Pokémon fellows regard it as unique. I find that to not be seeing this again is a loss.

Ash: I think so too. I know Psyduck is Misty's Pokémon and all, but to see Psyduck go is a bit sad. As you know, I had wanted to cooperate with Psyduck, but now it seems I can't.

Me: There's a really small chance, but it's not even worth it to consider right now. If Psyduck ever returns, then that might be the time.

Ash: I guess so. It's just so hard to cooperate these days, maybe to find a Trainer for a Pokémon battle or two...

Me: I heard and am sensing that too.

Obviously, this loss is regrettable in many ways. For me, Pokémon cosplay is something wonderful, especially if others can join in on the fun. In my view, she lost some of the fun in cosplaying, and she may want to regain some of that back. If that is indeed the case, then may it bode well for her to return from this "sabbatical". Otherwise, the hope is just for her to regain her life back, to let loose some of the "headache" that Psyduck has, metaphorically.

See you later, Psyduck.

One year ago: Hardcore (Dis)United
Two years ago: Duff Knows Pokémon

1 comment:

  1. It seems kind of weirdly appropriate, for Misty to also be unable to join us any longer for the unforeseeable future after her Pokémon disappeared. Though, granted, both of their friends are facing a different set of problems.


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