Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Fool's Day 2020: Truth in a Post

Well, this happens to be a fairly unique circumstance, "unique" being a word that may hardly be used to describe the current circumstance but has been used as such, particularly in connection to a Pokémon-related situation. So let's get straight to it: today is April 1 and therefore April Fool's Day. However, it comes at a time when it seems hard to take things lightly. Therefore, I want to take a different approach to this year's April Fool's Day. To that, I take inspiration from a certain statement, which for the purpose of this blog and post I have modified accordingly.

The statement is from an ad campaign that promotes truism in the best way possible. The ad is for a product that is true to its name in comparison to some other similar products that have some incongruity between their names and how they actually appear. In a way, it becomes a "selling point" for the product, as it appears more "true" than others of its kind. It may not make the product sell more than it is already selling, but it puts the brand in a good position. So too is the value of truism and truth, which in general is a good value to uphold and may bring about benefits.

As for how this relates to Pokémon, me, and today, there's quite a bit to say about each. Pokémon is a true brand, so anything involving it has to involve the namesake creatures to some extent, which can be assured of in practically any situation. I'm using this blog to bring out many of my true daily experiences or true things about Pokémon, which has become a true interest for me. And this day still truly what it is, despite the true situation in the world right now; that "unique" description I mentioned earlier is one such true occurrence, which I may and have to explain separately.

There's someone else who wants to speak about truth, in particular about relationships.

Ash: Hi everyone! When it comes to true things, you can't ask for much more than me and my partner Pikachu. It's a special bond that we have since the beginning. Maybe if you see me and Pikachu in action, that'll be a great reminder of truth.

Pikachu: Pika pi ka! ["That is true!"]

Me: I'm sorry I can't send you out into my world today like I did in past years for true reasons. It's just truly nasty out there. But what's true is that I look forward to do that when things truly clear up.

Ash: I know. Pikachu and I will keep trying to do our best in the meantime. And that's the truth.

Me: Certainly. Now I think I'm inspired to take care of other true things. I actually did some of that today.

Whatever happens, today remains truthfully April Fool's Day. It might not seem true at the moment, but the truth should become apparent in the future. For now, happy April Fool's.

One year ago: April Fool's Day 2019: Objectivity and Subjectivity
Two years ago: April Fool's Day 2018: Stepping Back, Moving Forward
Three years ago: It's April Fool's Day!

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