Saturday, April 27, 2019

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 4/27/2019

Since I've started doing these event rollups for Pokémon Go, one question has always come to mind: is it safe to do this month's rollup? What I mean is that, will there be any more events in the month after I write up the current rollup? For the February rollup, the answer was "no", as it turns out, because the rollup was too early. For last month's rollup, I had no choice; I wanted to save the rollup for as late in the month as possible, and that day was it, because of what clearly happened the next day and the day after. This month, the answer is more or less "yes", since there are no announcements of any other event that ends as the month ends. I therefore consider it safe to write the rollup, and that's good, because this is going to be a long one.

Dipping into last month, there was a Limited Research that featured Lotad and its Shiny form. Compared to previous Limited Research events, this was not only expanded, but also extended, lasting for nine hours - not because things went wrong, but because it was meant to be that way. The research tasks and Pokémon were heavily weather-based, which provided an entry point for another Pokémon and its Shiny form: Castform, but only for the Normal form. Part of the reason why I didn't cover this one last month was because this coincided on the exact day that the raid group tournament (see above) was held. I and the others had a good turnout, though, even though the tournament took away time from the event, and the Shiny forms from this event were the ones that helped me win the mini-contest during the tournament. It also helped that there were no major issues. Now I may have to write my thoughts on this soon.

Moving into this month, there were two events that were a lot alike as they were different: Bug Out in the first week and Eggstravaganza in the third week. The former was an event with greater focus on Bug-type Pokémon, while the latter was focused on Pokémon that hatched from Eggs. Accordingly, the former had more Bug Pokémon in the wild, while the latter changed up Egg compositions, particularly regarding 2 km Eggs, making them somewhat more lucrative. The commonalities of both events involved doubling or increasing things (doubled Incense length and more appearing Pokémon for Bug Out, and doubled hatch candy, incubator effectiveness, and Lucky Eggs for Eggstravaganza) and new Shiny forms (Scyther for the former, and Buneary for the latter). The resemblance of the two seems uncanny yet are also expected of typical events. I myself enjoyed all the other perks of the events, save for the Shiny forms, which I did not get.

Coinciding with the Eggstravaganza event, there was another one that had been somewhat expected: the Latios Raid Week, as the counterpart to Latias from February. Needless to say, this one likewise featured its Shiny form. This one was simple, being that one only had to raid and go. Whether or not one received a Shiny Latios was up to chance, and my chance came just a few days after it started, in contrast to Latias, where I received its Shiny form rather late, just a few hours before it ended. Still, one is enough for both events, and if anyone was as lucky as I was, then it's a good thing.

Also coinciding with both events over its weekend was a really big one: Pokémon Go Safari Zone Singapore. This was big because it happened within my region, but in the end it turned out that I couldn't go for one reason or another. A few of my raid fellows who were more well-funded was able to go, though, and that at least allowed some to experience it indirectly. As well, the fallout from the event - Shiny Shuckle and Lapras for everyone - seems pretty nice, though I'm rather unlucky for the former and there has been no report of the former, even well after the event ended. Should there be one that is even nearer, which may be rather possible, it may be in my interest to go.

The problem of deciding when to write an event rollup may not be such a problem. The problem of enjoying the events as they are intended to be enjoyed in the game is another thing indeed. At least with event rollups such as these, I can detail the important points of the events and see whether I have fulfilled them or not. Whatever happens, I can really write up the rollup when the situation presents itself to be satisfactory. That seems to be the case for a good bit of the events above from this month and a little of the previous one, as well as for their results.

One year ago: Groups and Sub-Groups
Two years ago: Out of This World: Episode 690 - "A UFO for Elgyem!"

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