Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Partners in Crime, Partners in Time

Yesterday was the two-year anniversary of a post about a specific crossover with Pokémon. Today is the two-year anniversary of a post about them in general (see below). I'd like to take this opportunity to write about something that, while isn't so much a crossover, is still something fascinating to think about at the very least. As the title indicates, this discussion involves partners... yet there's quite a bit more to it than that.

Two months ago, and rather coincidentally at that, I wrote a post on not forgetting one's roots, which at that time I wrote in relation to something of my past that I had reexamined and was absorbed in. Now I'm ready to divulge it: that thing is The Adventures of Tintin, the masterpiece of Belgian cartoonist Georges Rémi, better known as Hergé to most. Long before I got into Pokémon, this was something that I got into for adventure and amusement, with some appreciation. Nowadays, even with Pokémon, I find that I still get some adventure and amusement out of it, but with a greater degree of appreciation.

For those who don't know, the two primary characters in the series are Tintin, a young reporter, and Snowy, his faithful dog. Now the "partner" thing is rather evident: the two bear resemblance to Ash and Pikachu of the Pokémon anime in stature and relationship. The creature counterparts of both people are expressive, yet do so differently. They are always there for each other, even if things seem difficult for either or both of them. The only thing is that, of course, they are separated by time; Tintin and Snowy are mid-20th century characters, while Ash and Pikachu are closer to the 21st century. And yet it's remarkable how they seem to be a lot alike though they are separated by time. I feel that I've gained a sense of how these kinds of partnerships are supposed to be by reading (and then watching) Tintin, which is then continued by watching (and in some cases, reading) Pokémon.

As for actually crossing things over, it seems rather difficult and close to impossible to do so. This is partly due to their different eras and underpinnings, in particular themes in regarding the latter; Tintin is evidently darker and more mature, while Pokémon is lighter and younger. But as above, the two partnerships share much of the same spirits, and it is much easier to think of one in terms of the other, though this would be nowhere near a crossover. Yet just that much seems to ensure that both have some links.

By now, Hergé is in heaven and Tintin is pretty much a closed adventure. But for at least the foreseeable future, Pokémon will continue. And the thing that at least brings them together is the sense of partnership between the human and creature characters, which I became introduced to in the former and continue to see in the latter. It's a sense that transgresses time as well as adventure and amusement, becoming significant to my appreciation of the two.

One year ago: Pokémon Craft Figures - Mewtwo
Two years ago: Crossovers!

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