Tuesday, April 9, 2019


It has been said that regarding the management of a certain thing, one does not count profits or losses as one would for a business. Instead, in its management, benefits are considered. I suppose that it makes sense to some extent in regard to the thing being managed. And I also think that it may also be applicable to Pokémon and my personal experiences with it. It's a little bit odd and requires a bit of a stretch, but it may just make sense as well.

Personally, the benefits for me are quite evident. I can play many great games with interesting mechanisms. I become entertained with the non-game aspects. I can talk to other people who show the same interests as I do. And of course, I have this blog, which I can use to write about thoughts, experiences, and other fascinating things related to Pokémon. The benefits are many, perhaps too many to describe by the constraints of this post. If they are like or contribute to the above, then they are benefits regardless.

As for actual profits, I don't have them, though in some sense I would like to. I'm not yet in the position where that can actually happen. The important thing is that the parties concerned with Pokémon can and do make profits of their own, which should bode well for the continuity of the franchise. That will also automatically mean the continuity of my appreciation as well as that of all my Pokémon friends. Still, it wouldn't hurt if somehow I can "get a piece of the pie", as well as contribute to the making of the "pie" itself, figuratively speaking.

The losses are something that I hope will never occur, financially or otherwise. Though in a way it could be considered that I've lost a chunk of time and money appreciating Pokémon, the appreciation has been quite positive, so I've felt that I've never really lost anything. I would venture to say that the same is practically true for all of my other Pokémon friends. As long as our contributions are positive, any kind of loss shouldn't happen from the overall grand design.

It really comes back to benefits itself. The benefits from something may just outweigh concerns of profits and losses when they are right. That's not to say that profits and losses don't have their place. Business may still need to consider or count profits and losses as part of performance, and that's fine for that. Beyond that, it seems more plausible that benefits are better considered. Whether or not Pokémon is involved, that seems to be a pretty good thing.

One year ago: Ex-Raids and Cancellations
Two years ago: The (Current) Fate of the Megas

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