Thursday, April 25, 2019

The World Is All Here

It's time to wake up
The moon is high above you
We're all here 'cause we love you
And when you finally open your eyes and ears
You'll see and you'll hear us sing
La, la, la, la, la, la
It's a beautiful world and we're all here...
-- "Beautiful World", Jim Brickman

There's a certain song that comes to mind whenever I meet a really large group of people and do things together, and especially when I can bring my attraction to Pokémon into that. It feels like the world has converged at that point and made itself present all around. A few days ago, such a meeting happened, and I was able to bring in my attraction to Pokémon into that meeting. Predictably, the song that I think of comes to mind... and that song is the one that is quoted above.

The song itself is all about wonderment, the things that could make up a "beautiful world", as suggested by the song title. The "togetherness" part, the part that seems to link grand meetings as above, Pokémon, and this song, is the pre-chorus, which I've quoted above along with the first two lines of the chorus, for which the rest are variations of the two lines. It seems plausible that if any person during such meetings could sing this song, it would apply well to anyone and anything they may bring to the table, including Pokémon. And we'd all appreciate each other that way.

In some sense, the song might be evocative of the world of Pokémon itself. The things that are mentioned in the song paint a picture of all the people and Pokémon present in the world, in particular as they can possibly be imagined to exist in exactly those situations. For those who are young or just young at heart, it would be a considerably beautiful thing, especially if the people and Pokémon create a "symphony" of sorts, as the pre-chorus above describes.

Even if only for a moment, being able to gather en masse and for me to bring out Pokémon is a wonderful thing. It's no surprise, then I think about this song, and that a beautiful world existed right then and there. But then again the world of Pokémon is already beautiful enough for some people, including me; if the words of the song could be realized, then it would be more so. Yet whether it's this one or that one, I can take comfort that things are also beautiful because we're all here.

One year ago: I'll Be... The One
Two years ago: Shuffling in Alola

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