Sunday, September 19, 2021

Pokémon Go Community Day, 9/19/2021

Today is a watery Community Day for Pokémon Go in some ways. It might describe the featured Pokémon and all its related aspects, or it might describe my efforts in progressing through it. Considering that, it may be important to describe things as succinctly as possible without losing focus on the important things by them being "watered down".

That said, the featured Pokémon this month is Oshawott, the water-type starter Pokémon of Unova. Naturally, it means that the exclusive move is the powerful Hydro Cannon for its final evolution of Samurott. The customary bonus is tripled XP, a boon for those seeking it to level up. As usual, the event takes place within 11 AM to 5 PM locally with the choice to use extended Lure Modules (particularly, the new Rainy Lure Modules, also provided in the Community Day Box and allow Oshawott to appear) or Incense depending on convenience. Finally, the paid Special Research is titled "From Scalchops to Seamitars", reflecting the weapons of choice for all its evolutionary stages, rewarding them and, as always, a whole lot more.

One of my groups wanted to have an in-person meeting, and so we agreed to meet close to a local park. There, we set up Lure Modules (and Incense as it becomes appropriate) and hunkered down, also occasionally taking breaks with other things. I have to say that for me this time, going through Community Day felt like I was being "submerged in water", but thanks to the presence of friends, it felt a little less like that. The result was that I managed to capture many Oshawott, which with the help of Mega Slowbro resulted in a massive Candy stock along with a mass of Candy XL. I also caught 17 Shiny Oshawott, which is more than sufficient.

Of course, it was the selection of the featured Pokémon and local circumstances that led to things feeling like they were "watered down". While that may still be true regarding what the featured Pokémon can do, at least with the right effort, one can go through the event without feeling as such - which seems fortunate for me today. With that, at least the "watered down" description is not fully true and I and others can take advantage of the watery situation to raise our spirits.

Three years ago: Raid Time Length Change

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