Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Reminiscing Stadium and Colosseum

The main series of Pokémon games, in their early days, were low-definition, 2D, and reduced-color affairs. Trainers who sought a more improved battling experience had to find other means, and those means were realized in the form of the Stadium and (later on) Colosseum games. These featured the same battle systems of the main series games related to them - though with different objectives - in greater color and definition as well as 3D. For Pokémon at that time, this was obviously significant.

These games allowed the usage of rental Pokémon that can be gotten within the games, or they can link up with certain main series versions to import Pokémon from them, essentially enabling their use within the games. Some games in particular also allowed the linked games to be played directly due to the import mechanism, and in an enhanced manner as well. They essentially fulfilled the purposes above when the main series games ran on modest means, though for practical purposes they are still "adjuncts".

I've had very little experience with these games apart from reading a good amount of information about them (which is how I know the above), so I've essentially missed out on these games, even more so with the experience. What little I did play with one or two of them does affirm the advanced quality of these games for their time, and I would likely have been able to enjoy them as much as the main series games; they could also have fine-tuned my main series battling skills to a certain extent as well.

It's been quite some time after these games have appeared, and the main series games have caught up to these games in terms of graphics quality and expanded way beyond than anyone could imagine. Yet it's still fascinating how these games existed with a battling experience that is similar to the main series games but quite enhanced. The main series does not really need another one of these games now that they run on an advanced console, but it's still neat to reminisce these relics that improve the experience.

Four years ago: Am I Writing-Challenged?

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