Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Challenge of Uniting Myself

Four days ago, Pokémon Unite was released on mobile platforms, having already been released for the Switch a couple of months beforehand. It's a very new Pokémon game that is unlike other Pokémon games but very much like popular mobile games of the present. A new player will likely face some challenges in starting to play this rather new game, and that would include me, if I were to play... and the matter of fact is that is what happened (or is happening presently) as I've started playing.

Being that I don't have a Switch, I've started playing with the recently released mobile version. I've had to clear out a bit of space to do so, and it seems fine for now. The plan is that once I get a Switch, I will transition my play over to the console, but keep the mobile version in case friends wish to get together and play and all I have is my phone. If the circumstances work out somehow, I may be able to keep Unite on both my phone and a Switch, but I'm getting ahead of myself. The important thing now is to play.

After going through the tutorials, I hopped in for a number of games with others. Sometimes things worked out and victory was attained, while other times they didn't and a loss resulted. This game and kind of games are heavily action-oriented, and if one doesn't act, one stands to lose; therein lies the challenge of "uniting myself". It's very different from Pokémon Go and the main series games, and it presents a challenge similar to the time I first started to play the latter. Unite is billed as "simple to learn, difficult to master", and that is true to some extent; what seems to be also true for me personally is a slight difficulty in maneuvering and attacking. In my case, I found myself sometimes not going where I'd like to go or not attacking when I meant to. At present, I chalk this up to the difficulty of using my phone for this purpose, and the situation may be helped once I'm on the Switch. Regardless, on my phone, I still have to deal with this directly as well as current others for the game; a review of the tutorials may be in order before I proceed anyhow.

I'm rather certain that Pokémon Unite is an exciting game, on par with other games of its kind but with something very recognizable. I'm also rather certain that the challenge above may not be unique to me, but it is regardless the challenge that I face - that of "uniting myself". The battles still rage on in the arenas of the game, and there are still lots of challenges to face in them. Yet the challenge of "uniting myself" in familiarity and progression remains the foremost challenge in diving into the workings of the Pokémon Unite action.

Two years ago: The Name of the Game
Four years ago: Strong Opinions

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