Thursday, September 23, 2021

Unite Uptake

I wouldn't usually do an "uptake report" for a Pokémon game outside of the main series - and this would really be the first one - but I feel that the circumstances are rather special that they demand one. So, Pokémon Unite was released for the Switch back in July and on mobile yesterday. Between those two points, there has to have been many players that have gotten into the game, and there are. That in itself presents an exciting story for its uptake.

The July release on the Switch was obviously to cater for the foremost of Pokémon fans that play on the console, and it allowed just that. I've seen those who have the Switch immediately download the game regardless of whether they do or do not play other Pokémon games, even extensively. From the monitoring of the channels closest to me, the response was quite minimal, which is probably because the Switch is not something that everyone has, even for me personally. It is certain that those who have it played it, though reactions were subdued.

Meanwhile, yesterday's release on mobile platforms led to quite a buzz among my groups. My raid groups were eager to try it, and some have even made links with others to play. My main series groups wanted to be in on the fun as well and have thrown out the possibility of linking up with others if needed. The buzz is certainly larger than it was when it was just on the Switch, certainly given now that many more people can play, not necessarily on a device that some may or may not have.

And that's also a good point of contention. The big things that affect uptake in this case is the cross-play capability, which allows Switch and mobile players to play together, as well as cross saves that are made possible by linking a Pokémon Trainer's Club account, which allows play data to be accessed wherever one plays. Some in my groups have noted that many likely have taken advantage of either or both features in order to make the best of their plays, resulting in some noticeable play outcomes. The current popularity of this kind of game also helps.

Given the above, the uptake of this game seems to be rather prospective. Combine legions of Pokémon fans around the world, a very popular game format, and facilities of linking play data, and it is possible to have a very popular turnout and a high uptake all around. That seems very unique and special for a Pokémon game, which begs to be highlighted, perhaps to inspire others (like me) to do just the same.

Two years ago: Doubleheaders and Such
Three years ago: Cosplay: Panniversary 2nd

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