Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Peak of Discoveries

It's been three months, and that means the Season of Discovery in Pokémon Go is coming to a close. This time of year - the one of the season - is always impressive, given that it contains the anniversary of Pokémon Go itself, and in normal years the multitude of festivities that are associated with that. But then, it hasn't been a "normal" year for more than that time, and that may seemingly be the case for some time ahead. Yet I'm also reminded that discovery can be and is in fact an everyday thing, and that can be reasonably applied to all the discoveries that have occurred during this season, essentially becoming the proving ground for the viewpoint.

The eighth-generation Pokémon from Galar coming into Pokémon Go was a total curveball but also constitutes a significant discovery, given that it is leaps and bounds ahead of what is expected. Overall, so was the entirety of Pokémon Go Fest, even with the entirety of the agenda being known; I'm sure that many Trainers can vouch for what they got on both days of the event, especially me. Some matters will (at the least, may) have to be resolved in the upcoming season, which is now known and will be detailed soon enough.

Then, there's this year's big anniversary and the upcoming future of Pokémon. The anniversary point may have long passed, but more and more tidbits are still being divulged. The same is true for the games that will make up that future along with their details. What it seems to look like is that many discoveries are still to be made as the releases of those games draw near and well beyond afterwards, affirming what will likely be their everyday continuity.

In my initial post to mark the end of seasons, I noted that I loathed to call it the "end" of things, and with the Season of Discovery, I feel somewhat validated. The end of the season is just the peak for things, and they can and do always continue even after the seasons end. This is all the more true for discoveries, which have a way of making themselves evident.

The next season begins tomorrow, appropriately. While it may not be possible to sleep tonight and rediscover the world as it was before the next day, at least Pokémon and other discoveries today might help to tide over the seasons as they continue to change.

Three years ago: Solidarity Making
Four years ago: Reunions!

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