Friday, August 20, 2021

Furthering Eevee's "Eeveelutions"

Eevee is a fascinating Pokémon, and much can be discussed about it. Arguably, the most discussed aspect is its many possible evolved forms, colloquially called "Eeveelutions". The set is comprehensive, with coverage of many "basic" types and "advanced" types. However, the coverage is not complete, and many "intermediate" types are missing. Therefore, a frequently discussed subtopic of this aspect is the discovery and development of more evolved forms of Eevee, in effect furthering the set of these forms.

A frequently invoked question is "when?" These evolved forms have come at a rather sporadic pace, with very few coming at one time. The focus on the trend of completely new forms (and evolution lines) for existing species families rather than a new evolved form for an existing family with an existing line doesn't help matters much. Something revolutionary might be needed in order to incite these forms being discovered and developed in spanning more types.

The most obviously linked question is "what types next?" Existing evolved forms of Eevee are mostly related to substances, and some of the types that haven't been covered are also of substances as well. They are most likely to be covered in a future and forthcoming evolved form of Eevee, though given its genetic possibilities, there is a chance that everything can be covered, which is evident in many fan treatments of these forms. They're still hypothetical, though, and true new forms will likely need "something to go by".

Ultimately, furthering the "Eeveelutions" - the evolved forms of Eevee - will take time and quite possibly precursors to make things happen. But it's something that can and should happen if Eevee and its evolved forms are to realize their full genetic potential, which they have already did, but only in part. For a genetic wonder, Eevee is rather exemplary even with old evolved forms, but it would be even more so with new ones someway, somehow. 

Two years ago: Red and Riley Keychains
Three years ago: The Apple and Pokémon
Four years ago: Cosplay: Nimatsuri 2017

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