Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Chiki Balls Pokémon Coins: Selections

So, the Pokémon "coins" I discussed around a couple of weeks ago are these coins. They're found in promotional packages of snacks that are shaped like little puffy balls with a certain crispiness to them. They're meant for children, but older people like them, and so do I to a certain extent. The coins too are therefore as such, but that doesn't stop Pokémon fans like me from obtaining them, which I in fact did a couple of days ago and led me to obtain four of them, as can be seen below.

As noted by the promotion on the packaging, there are actually 100 of these coins in the current edition of the promotion. However, there are only two coins in each package, which means to obtain them all - a lofty goal if nothing else - one would have to spend for at least 50 of them as there are bound to be some repeats with random distributions. I'm not interested in eating 50 packages or more of them for the sake of everything, so these four will do just fine unless I obtain more of them in some way.

The four I obtained above are of course Bulbasaur, Charizard, Ho-Oh, and Groudon. I like that three of them have an intimate connection to Ash in some way, so that works out well for me. Yet from what I've seen, it may be that those who buy the snacks for the coins may be assured of at least one Legendary (or Mythical) Pokémon, in this case two for me. That may still a good thing in alleviating the inability to get each one of the 100 coins.

For those not familiar with these coins, they are intended to be able to be assembled into 3D structures, evidenced by the notches on the edge. With a large number, this can conceivably be created. However, with these coins being regarded as collectibles, they seem a little too precious for that, further with some suggesting that the build quality of these coins have decreased from prior editions. I'd sooner take blanks of these coins if I intended to build something.

These collectible "coins" are noticeably on the lower end of the quality scale for collectibles, but they are officially licensed merchandise, and they deserve to still be collected as such. Anyone who collects them should still be proud of what has been collected, whether a few or a lot. I can't speak much for the snack balls that one finds these Pokémon coins with, but the coins that come with them speak volumes about what Pokémon merchandise people like.

One year ago: The Power of Stories
Two years ago: Cosplay: STARNIFEST 2019
Four years ago: Battle of the Masters

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