Friday, August 6, 2021

New Normal... and Still Loving

We welcome you
To the new normal era
My dear
And now we hope
Things will be back to normal
The normal just like as it was before
-- "New Normal Cinta (New Normal Love)", Slank (adaptive lyrical translation)

The entire Pokémon Go debacle that happened over the course of the past few days has become a reminder that everyone, including Pokémon Go Trainers and Pokémon fans in general, have been in a state of "new normal" ever since current conditions broke out. And yet even in those conditions, those fans and Trainers have managed to show their devotion, dedication, and attraction - their "love", so to speak. And of love during these times, there is a song I've heard recently that I've come to appreciate and encapsulates much of the sentiments of love, considerably of different kinds.

The song is, as expected and in any case, still directed to romantic love, as it brings up all the things that one should (and need) to do during these times, particularly if one is about to meet one's partner. The song also comes with a music video on YouTube and an English translation of the lyrics there... but I consider the translation somewhat poor, so I'm not even going to link to it. The "adaptive lyrical translation" above - mine - is intended as a translation that is composed well, lines up with the original message and meter of the song, and can be sung; the above is from its chorus.

Even for Pokémon things, and especially for Pokémon Go, it still holds true to do all the things that one needs to do as mentioned in the song. It also lines up with the warning that is applied in all news updates on the official blog in current times, which is to maintain awareness of surroundings and being compliant with the guidelines of local health authorities, which also goes back to all the mentioned things. In short, one can still play Pokémon Go, but one has to be wise, be safe, and be willing to follow what should be followed to stay healthy to play and while playing, an important point for Pokémon Go.

Speaking of which, Niantic has broken the silence regarding the debacle, and they have said that they listened and will review the relevant issues to the debacle, both internally with a task force and externally with community leaders. Even so, some may consider the response to be seemingly a bit long-winded and vague despite addressing the relevant points, and delayed as the final word will be given at the end of this month. They may seem to need to "love" the "new normal" to be able to eventually respond appropriately, while hopefully the community has done just that.

For those who haven't gotten the message, the world has entered a state that is unlike the earlier normal, and thus, it's a "new normal". But if the above song has anything to say about it, it is that people can still love - whoever and whatever, and yes, including Pokémon. All the same, it has presented challenges, as with the Pokémon Go debacle above, that need to be resolved to get by in order to continue living and loving. And then, there's the hope that at some point things can get back to the normal just like as it used to be, and that ought to come with love all around, even Pokémon love.

One year ago: The Look of Pikachu
Two years ago: There Is Always a Way
Three years ago: (More) Plastic Poké Balls
Four years ago: Cosplay: Tomodachi 2

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