Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Sparkling, Shining for the World

Red is my blood
White are my bones
All together in my spirit now
The beating of my heart
The pulsing in my veins
All as one in my aspirations now
Sparkling, shining
Rainbow in the sky
-- "Kebyar Kebyar", Gombloh (adaptive translation)

Let's get straight to the point: today's the 76th independence day of Indonesia, and as my country of birth and current residence, I feel obliged to honor that somehow and yet also link that honoring to Pokémon as what I'm passionate about and the theme of this blog. This time, I've digged into an old song that has become a patriotic staple of today's celebrations; the word in the title means "sparkling" or "shining", and I've included both interpretations in the translation above. I also consider it somewhat reflective of Pokémon impressions in some ways.

The colors of red and white, of the flag, need no introduction, as they're the first things I discussed on this day years ago (see below). It is worth reminding that they're both also the colors of the two halves of a Poké Ball, and this is a union that encapsulates spirits - the spirits of a Pokémon contained within it, as well as the spirit of the Trainer to which the Pokémon belongs. There is a sense of united spirits in many ways, as much as the two colors are united in the flag and the spirits of the country's devout patriots.

The beating of people's hearts and the pulses - of blood, that is - in their veins represent their life force, and together they drive people to achieve what they desire, as their aspirations. Some of those people might conceivably be Pokémon Trainers, who are and have been known to possess major aspirations themselves - I know I do. Of course, the patriots of the country do so too, if history is any witness. For both, their life force is still essential to keep them going in the situations that play out in life, even now.

The last bit about sparkle and shine is a little more demanding in explanation. I'd like to think that Pokémon Trainers are an "enlightened" sort of people, and I'm sure that ought to apply well. It can also apply to rainbows in an orange sky, perhaps after Ho-Oh comes about in the sunset, and that is probably the intent in the untranslated lines; I took liberties for this translation, in part for the meter. But whether it's the people of this country or Pokémon Trainers, they're likely to sparkle and shine as they face their brave future.

Though the future right now might look a bit bleak, there is a sense that it should be faced, certainly bravely. In that sense, this song seems to be rather suitable for these times. It is and has been attested to be patriotic for Indonesians, but with a little stretching of the imagery, Pokémon Trainers might have a stake in some of the imagery as well. And I know there are people like me that can lay claim to both roles, and I'd say that would be incredibly noble, as we show our sparkle and shine not only for the country but also for the world.

There is not much else to say. To fellow Indonesians, Happy Independence Day.

Three years ago: United in Diversity
Four years ago: Red and White Philosophy

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