Monday, August 9, 2021

Trainer Green and Ash XY Pikachu Figures

It's not often the case that I jump on Pokémon figures, but in this case, these figures are quite remarkable and well crafted that I just had to jump on them. I say "these" because there are indeed two figures of Pikachu. But they're not just any old Pikachu; they're Pikachu dressed up as Trainer Green and Ash in his Kalos outfit. That's rather unique, and so is the general gist of these figures.

The two figures are actually a part of a series of six of them where Pikachu dresses up in different outfits, including the two mentioned above. Others in the series include Pikachu in the style of Goku (of Dragon Ball fame) as well as wearing apparel from Bathing Ape. It's a totally original idea, and because of that, it may be safe to say that the figures are unofficial or "bootleg", a term that one of my friends uses for such merchandise. Even so, the quality is rather evident even just on these two figures.

The paint jobs on the two figures are extremely detailed and appropriately colored. The same goes for all the minute details they possess. The outfits of Trainer Green and Ash tend to have many details, but these figures have most of them visibly, including their hats, clothing on the upper and lower body, and shoes; they even have fur ruffles to match the hair off their characters. The gender of the two Pikachu are also appropriate, with the Trainer Green Pikachu being female and the Ash Pikachu being male. 

Even with their likely unofficial or "bootleg" quality, the attention to detail on these figures is excellent. It is as if the creator of these figures knows what is expected of these characters, and then designed the figures to suit. Looking at the pictures of the other figures, this is quite evident as well, with the Goku Pikachu almost looking like it could go into Saiyan mode any time. But all that I have are the "true" Pokémon figures, so it's not a total loss and they fit well within my collection.

Incidentally, I only planned to obtain just one of the series by random pick, and I got Trainer Green first, a few days ago. Seeing that the quality of the figure is great, I went back in order to grab the Ash Pikachu figure, and I managed to obtain it only today. Regardless, I did find the quality to be just as great, which opened the door for me to write up this post today. I'm not likely to obtain the other figures myself - moreover, they are less related to Pokémon - but I'd be pleased if I were to get them somehow.

Each of the figures in the series deserve attention, certainly, but Pokémon fans like me would certainly place greater attention on the ones that exemplify Pokémon the most, and that would be these two figures. I don't regret jumping on the chance to get these, and I feel that they've added a nice touch to my collection of Pokémon figures. And I cannot ask for more than a couple of well crafted figures like these.

One year ago: Into the Myst
Two years ago: Raid Stories
Three years ago: Evolution Is a Change
Four years ago: Historical Pokémon

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