Saturday, August 7, 2021

Taking It All Home

Baby come come now, pick it up up up
If you wanna take it home
Baby come come now, with ya love love love
If you wanna take it home
Like, where do we come, where do we go
Baby right nah nah nah
Where do we come, where do we go
Baby come come now, with ya love love love
If you wanna take it, you wanna take it home...
-- "Take It Home", Mabel

Speaking of songs, there is this one to take care of, which I've divulged at the end of last month for the anniversary road post, exactly one week ago. Those who are not in tune with current trends in music (like me, I'll have to admit) might find this an odd artist, but she's actually quite successful. She's part Swedish and part English, and she just had her first major success a few years ago. With that recent of a breakthrough singing career, she is a novel addition to the P25 Music program, especially with this song.

This bouncy little number is an R&B song featuring her distinctive vocals. It comes along with a music video that has quite a bit of dancing and Pokémon appearance, thanks to the presence of Jigglypuff and Pikachu, though Jigglypuff is the primary one this time around. The part that I've quoted above is from the chorus, and it becomes evident how this song is "bouncy": even in the chorus there is quite a bit of repetition, which carries the feeling through and all over as the song progresses.

Some people have said that they have a hard time seeing how this song fits in with Pokémon, but considering the lyrics, it shouldn't be hard to tell. The lyrics contain "I'm your champion", "by your side", and "we can't lose", all of which are ultimate goals for Trainers and their partner Pokémon. Reading between the lines, the entire song can be construed as representing the journey of Trainers with their partner Pokémon wherever it might take them - yes, even home - and this is also evident in the chorus above.

This musical pick for the P25 music project is rather trendy and contemporary, which is a given because the artist is exactly just that, with her success having come rather recently. It is also inclusive of certain Pokémon concepts if one is willing to look hard enough and believe in them, just like a Trainer would for their partner Pokémon. The new and latest addition to the music program ought to satisfy those with current and specialty music tastes, as well as Pokémon fans who just can't wait to bring it all to the place to be.

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