Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Poké Ball Mini Pokémon Figures

In the post I wrote yesterday, I detailed some Poké Balls that I recently newly received, which turned out to not be so new after all. Yet that's actually half of the story. The Poké Balls didn't come empty, for they were filled with mini Pokémon figures. Since I received two balls, it means I also received two figures. And in fact, there's a lot more to it than that, as these are not the only figures, therefore not making the balls the only ones.

I got the balls along with three others when I and three of my friends placed an order for them; they each got one ball, while I had requested to get two. As a result, there are also five figures, one for each of the balls. The Pokémon featured are not too shabby either; within the balls, there are Virizion, Luxray, Machoke, Pikachu, and Slaking - four generations represented in all. The fact that even Pikachu is present is quite surprising, considering that the figures that go inside the balls are picked at random, as the seller informed us.

As for the figures that I have, I got Pikachu and Slaking. Actually, I had requested to have Pikachu, and this request was honored. The rest of the figures and balls were distributed with a lottery, much like that time I met a group of Pokémon figure collectors. Also much like that time, I ended up trading with one of my friends; I originally got Machoke, but a friend who got Slaking did not express much interest in the particular figure, and so we ended up trading. In a sense, the trade is considered to be welcome, as I think the Pikachu and Slaking figures are the best of this set.

Some things could be said about the state of the other figures. The Machoke figure, though accurate, might not be to some people's tastes. The Virizion figure could be considered a little drab, depending on who is asked. The Luxray figure is perhaps in poor condition regarding to its colors. I was able to contact my figure fellows about these, and they suggested that a repaint (painting the figure over) may be possible, but it depends on their tastes as well. That seems to be a fair enough suggestion.

The fact that these figures are included as part of the Poké Balls is still appreciable. I and my friends were only aiming for the Poké Balls, but we got something more than that. In effect, we all were given a demonstration and affirmation that these Poké Balls are really meant to hold Pokémon, as is their imagined purpose. The figures may be a bit subpar in my view, but the Pokémon spirit remains with them. I'm only happy to add them to my collection.

One year ago: Metal Unova Cap Pikachu Keychain

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