Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Media Master

Here's a fun recently-discovered fact: according to one source, Pokémon is now the biggest-valued media franchise in the world, ahead of four others that have been around for (a lot) longer and even one other of Nintendo's own. The value is quite staggering too, at nearly 60 billion dollars, while the other five are separated only by about tens of billions of dollars. I find this quite fascinating and quite meaningful too, for both myself and everyone.

Since the first time I became attracted to Pokémon, I felt that it has a certain sense of popularity, and I'm even more certain about it today with this revelation. There's something attractive that compels me to spend some of the money I have in Pokémon things, whether by careful deliberation or impulsive action. I've even read a magazine article that indicated that the valuation of the franchise has existed since a long time ago, though perhaps not at the same level as today. I too feel like I've contributed to this by what I get from the franchise. To hear about this is thus hardly surprising but quite reassuring as well.

For everyone, we have to be glad that we've made Pokémon what it is today. This is the result of us investing our hard-earned money on something we really like. It means a lot of people can stand to do the same, and do it on a consistent and continuous manner. People wouldn't do this if they don't regard Pokémon with a high value, so the fact that this is so means that people place a high value on Pokémon in ways that go beyond numbers and money. Even so, that high value still translates into higher earnings for the franchise, and that's a good thing.

I'm glad that I've become attracted to Pokémon and see that it is indeed as valuable as it is popular. In all the two- plus decades that it has existed and I've been with it, it is amazing to see it on the top of the global financial ladder of franchises. It has always been popular through its existence, and this only affirms that this is in fact the case. If many people dream about becoming a Pokémon Master, today Pokémon itself has become a Media Master.

One year ago: Catching Up

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