Friday, August 3, 2018

Divergent Anime?

Anyone who watches the Pokémon anime up to the most recent iterations know that there's an oddity between the episodes and movies (feature films). The two are now "differentiated" from each other; the movies are not stories that take place within the current progression of the anime episodes, and they amount to something almost completely new. In a sense, the two can be said to be "diverging".

It should be noted that there is actually a proper term to describe what has happened in regard to the movies. They have undergone what is called a "reboot" because they have started over. And it's quite the reboot; last year's movie really did start at the very beginning of the journey, and then some. This year's movie, which has already been released in Japan, continues the reboot with a different story. Even with the reboot, it does feel like it really features the same Ash fans know and love.

As for the anime episodes, the artistic style for the current saga - Alola - is quite different than for previous ones. It's enough to make many wonder whether it really features the same Ash. There have been reassurances that this is the case, but the difference is salient enough that it may keep some fans wondering; I'm one of those, though the wonder is a small one in the back of my mind. This belies the "divergence", being that the episodes are one thing and the movies are another.

The next thing to wonder is whether in the future the divergence should be kept or not. On one hand, this is a totally new paradigm, and it would be fascinating to see them develop; after two decades and 1000 episodes, this is a refreshing change, in a way. On the other hand, this is a divergence after all, and that means the two are inconsistent with each other. The view for both maintaining this divergence and removing it (that is, making them "converge" again) seems valid.

It's hard for any fan to not notice the divergence due to the complete differences of the movies and episodes. To keep the two divergent seems to be as valid as making them re-converge. Whether or not they are different and divergent from each other, though, it still becomes a given to watch and keep up with both, especially for the most dedicated of fans like me. The only issue left is to see how both develop in contrast to each other.

One year ago: A Hobbled Pikachu... 3DS XL

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