Saturday, August 25, 2018


I've discussed how Pokémon Trainers may resemble or be likened to musicians, so I can't shift discussion topics without discussing the other side: how some Pokémon are actually musicians too, and not just resemble one. As far as musicians go, they're fairly rudimentary; they don't have much going for them, but what they do is more or less what musicians do.

Of these, the most famous has to be Jigglypuff, which is famous for the hypnotic melody that results from the use of the Sing move. If it weren't for its hypnotic qualities, this could indeed be an interesting melody to listen to, but as it stands, people and most Pokémon won't be able to listen to it without falling asleep, with the exception being Pokémon with the Insomnia and Soundproof abilities. All told, they might just enjoy it. As a side note, Jigglypuff is not the only Pokémon that can incite the Sing move; others can, but admittedly Jigglypuff is the one most associated with the move, and therefore the most representative example.

Some Pokémon appear to have a penchant for using certain musical instruments, and Ukulele Pichu is one of them. For those not in the know, Ukulele Pichu is the companion Pokémon to the protagonist in Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs. Ukulele Pichu possesses a blue-colored ukulele that is played when it is summoned by the protagonist to aid in the capture of certain Pokémon, in addition to providing an electric shock of a sufficient duration. The melody of the ukulele is short and simplistic, but it seems to be a wonderful one. Though its development in the game is limited, it might not be hard to surmise how its instrument skills can develop - with a possibly brighter sound. Yet it's still Pichu after all, which means that its development may be restricted in this form; it's still enjoyable regardless.

Other Pokémon appear to suggest that they might have musical capabilities. Chatot is one of them - its head in part looks like a quaver (eighth note), and if its appearance in the second Mystery Dungeon series of games is of any indication, it is that it has a rather sufficient musical capability, vocalizing its expressions, and helped by its songbird appearance. Another one is Meloetta in its Aria form. An aria is a musical piece with prominent vocals, so it's not hard to expect that it can measure up to the qualities of such pieces. Other Pokémon may not have the qualities that suggest they're musical, but they could indeed be so in certain circumstances.

Music seems to not be limited to the Trainers, the people who make Pokémon be all that they can be. Pokémon too have some roles to play in musical endeavors, even if these are not as complex as what people do. They might be simple, but they still have great effects, musical or otherwise. They are truly PokéMusicians in that regard.

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