Monday, August 27, 2018

My Pokémon Groups on Facebook

Even with all its issues, Facebook is a good social network. Many of my friends are on it - old ones, new ones, and everyone in between. That includes many who also like Pokémon just as much as I do. With the use of the Groups feature, we can even keep things relevant and talk about specific details. Thus it would be expected that I'd be in certain groups related to Pokémon, and I am. There are a few that I am a part of.

One of those groups is a national group for the main series games, which is also managed by the same group of players I ally with. Here, news and latest information are posted about the games, including beneficial news about VGC battling. There are also occasional posts about questions on gameplay, surprise happenings, and Mystery Gift code giveaways. Every so often something interesting gets posted, so it becomes worthwhile to check things out. This is certainly something I can't do without.

Another group is a group for Pokémon Go. Since some players in the main series group also play the game, they manage the group too, but this tends to be a bit hands-off. The group has gotten quite a bit of activity as of late thanks to the new friend system and Community Day, but on the whole there doesn't seem to be any activity of real interest recently. This may change as old and new players get back into the game and start to enliven the group again.

Yet another group is a special group for Pokémon figure collectors. I was actually "scouted out" to join this group by someone who saw me with my Pokémon cosplay, so I joined by request. As it turns out, many of my fellow players are also in this group, so it doesn't feel too unfamiliar. As expected, information about all kinds of Pokémon figures are posted here, including periodic gatherings for local chapters, which was how I got the info about the first local gathering I attended. Through the buying and selling group feature, there are also posts on figure sales, which becomes advantageous for those seeking new figures or letting go of portions of their collection. I'm glad that I'm a part of this group too.

There are additionally two smaller Pokémon-related groups that I'm a part of. One is an alternate game group for Pokémon, but I'm practically an observer in the group. Another is a Pokémon cosplay group, though I'm relatively disconnected from the others in the group in terms of space. I still consider the connections valuable, though, and I seek to peruse them at a later time.

All these Pokémon groups show that the franchise is appreciated in different ways by different people, though many also share the same interests. I find them all very neat, as an expression of attachment to the franchise. Of course, social networks like Facebook are big, so I may just be able to find more people who are attached to Pokémon and all related things... as well as link up with them in groups as I happen upon them.

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