Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Do Unusual Things

Most of the time, Pokémon becomes something ordinary for me. It means I do things that are typical and expected as far as Pokémon fans go. However, at other times, it also becomes an extraordinary thing, and it prompts me to do sudden things, even unusual ones. This last one seems to be something that is as great as it is enigmatic, in and even out of the games.

The decisions I've had to make in Magikarp Jump may be considered as something unusual, especially for the ones I always risk or even suddenly decide to risk, even if the consequences may be less than savory. Meanwhile, in Go, I confess that I always try to play it when I'm going somewhere, so the unusual thing is when I have to diverge from my intended path to do something in the game, and the more I have to diverge, the more unusual things get. Not focusing too deeply on VGC in the main series could be considered another unusual turn. This is at least subjectively how I feel.

Going to theme events or conventions for the purpose of my Pokémon cosplay also holds an unusual quality. This is often the result of a whim as it is the result of prior planning. Participation in whatever competition may be present is either expected if it is a walk or parade, or bordering on crazy if it's more directed to performance competitions, especially when such a plan is essentially cobbled together. Win or lose, I often find myself in fruitful as well as unusual interactions, though they're more on the good side than bad. All of these may become (even more) unusual in different ways.

All told, many unusual things might grace my interactions that involve Pokémon, prompting me to do them. The way they are, they're already quite dynamic; when things get unusual, they just become more dynamic. At least in that way, they particularly exhibit extraordinary effects that engage my interest in Pokémon, beyond what is simply ordinary and usual.

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