Saturday, August 18, 2018

Cosplay: B-Bunkasai 2018 - Subarashii Maboroshii no Sekai


I wanna say, some theme events mean a lot to my friend, so that's why he keeps sending me to them. This one is one of those. As my friend said last year, he has some links to it, and I think that's great. It's hard not to return to one when you know there's something special in the air.

As before, the theme event today is held in the school yard, and it has everything: good music from bands, good dances from cover groups, good food from the people that make it, and good stuff from the communities. They're all good, and I enjoy every bit of that, and so does my friend. We like everything.

There is also the reason I came, which is to meet others for my friend... as me! I came with my XY outfit again from the last time I was sent to an event since I had been here with all my other regular ones, except my Alola one. That'll be for next time, hopefully. I also got into the character parade, which is something different this year. I and my friend were hoping there would be a single performance this year so I could do something different, but there was only a character parade. My friend decided that we should get in anyway, so that's what we did.

I'm a little sad, though, since it turns out I didn't win anything. There were 14 or so in the parade and only three won. Last year was great because I actually won something, but this year I didn't. Honestly, maybe something in the parade didn't really go right for me, but I'm really not sure.

Pikachu: Pika? [questioning]

Maybe this is not our day, Pikachu. Maybe this is not our day. But I was told that we might be in for something really good next time. We'll have to see.

The theme for this year, my friend says, is "The Amazing Fantasy World". For my friend, I'm sure Pokémon is his "amazing fantasy", which is why he keeps sending me into theme events and conventions. Keep up that amazing fantasy, and we might just get to greater things. That's gotta be it.


One year ago: Battle of the Masters

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