Thursday, August 26, 2021

Go Battle Night Burnout

Today is actually a significant day - or night, rather - in Pokémon Go, as today marks this month's occurrence of Go Battle Night, after occurring in June (covered in another post) and July 11 (which I didn't cover specially). The format is the same, even if league or cup selection is different, and that becomes something to discuss. Specifically, I want to discuss about my own general experience with it, which can be described as a "burnout". It's been a long time since I've experienced this feeling while playing through Pokémon Go, and though the feeling and circumstance are different this time around, I still deem it significant to discuss in that it could represent the views of others as well.

The "burnout" here is that Go Battle Night obviously has a lot of battles that take place - 100 in all - within a short time of 6 hours. Like it or not, a Trainer has to go through them all in a marathon to get through each and every single one of them, and the result can in fact become a burnout. That was what happened for me in June without being able to get through everything, and in July after going through everything. July was helped by the fact that the Element Cup was available, significantly reducing battle times. However, June was early in the season, so it was Great League or bust. While it is possible for opponents to forfeit, sometimes this can be far and few between, and most likely one has to battle in full, and thus the burnout. This could be rather frustrating if one is on the verge of going up to the next rank.

On the other hand, perhaps the goal is not to go through everything. Many Trainers after all have reached the Ace rank and are stable there or even dropped below the rating threshold of 2000 for the rank, thereby making them "faux Aces". A select few are stable in the higher ranks and can't or don't have to go further. In this way, they don't have to burn themselves out and can afford to take things more easily, especially with the Stardust bonus that awaits. But for ones that aren't stable, like me, then things have to be pursued as much as possible, and then that goes back to the possible burnout situation as above, even if it could be alleviated by the Stardust that could be earned from battling throughout the entire night.

And... that was the case tonight. While I did manage to battle for a good deal and got close to raising my rank, it fell down again and things look uncertain once again, leaving me feeling "burned out" mainly due to frustration. I spent most of my battles in the Great League, though all three leagues were available with no additional special format of any kind. This too was also with other things I had going, including writing this post, which turned out to be somewhat appropriate for the occasion. As of right now, I've battled many times and earned much Stardust, though I'm not sure I ought to continue up until the event ends with how I feel.

That said, Go Battle Night is still extra special for Trainers who need the catching up or just want to earn the Stardust however which way, with all the battles allotted over the time that they are allotted. Besides the ones related to the preparation to enjoy this event to the fullest extent, one other caveat would be to (try to) avoid getting burned out with the way things go during it. I'll certainly enjoy Go Battle Night should it return on later editions, of course, and that would mean dealing with other Trainers' challenges as much as I deal with mine.

One year ago: Continuous Inspiration
Three years ago: Figure Gathering, Again

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