Thursday, June 3, 2021

Nights of Raging Battles

I've just realized that this is kind of a late post that I meant to realize much earlier but kind of forgot, so I guess it suffices (and is in fact appropriate) to make it now - thus, here it goes. A year ago, there was a Pokémon Go event called Go Battle Night, but it was initially postponed before it was finally realized back in November along with a special format called the Flying Cup. I meant to detail Go Battle Night itself for a later time, but I suppose I never did. Now that I've been re-enlightened of this happening, it seems well to get on with it and explain just what it's all about.

Ordinarily, a Trainer would have the chance to battle in Go Battle League for a total of 25 times daily, in groups of five sets. But when Go Battle Night takes place, a Trainer can battle in up to 20 sets for a total of 100 battles. That is a lot, and all of that has to happen within a span of a few hours, which for the first edition was from 6 PM to 11:59 PM. That may or may not be enough time to even get through all the battles in every set, depending on how long each battle takes up and especially if the opponent decides to forfeit, which may help slightly to get through as many battles as possible.

A Trainer would be wise to have all the necessary teams prepared as battle parties so that it would be a trivial matter to select whichever team seems right for the next battle, which would only take seconds instead of longer, saving time just in case a battle drags on for way too long. This advice may, in fact, be useful for pretty much any kind of battle-based events and even tournaments, most likely fan-organized ones like the Silph Arena. And since this is a Go Battle Night, one would absolutely need to make sure one is free that night or else not be able to complete all the provided battles.

The reason that this post becomes appropriate to be made today is, yes, because Go Battle Night returned tonight after that very long absence. In fact, over the Season of Discovery, Go Battle Night will make an appearance each month, which means more battles than ever before during the season. For those who want to stay ahead of the pack, it becomes the perfect opportunity to do so, and it's also a way of catching up in case one happens to be unavailable to go through some of the normal daily allotted battles, which could be me in certain cases even throughout this season.

The 100 provided battles might be arduous for some, but the opportunity provided by Go Battle Night is hard to pass up for PvP "junkies" in Pokémon Go, especially those who are pursuing certain PvP ranks, rewards, or both. The concept of Go Battle Night itself promises lots of thrills for those PvP "junkies" with all the battles that they can stand to complete, even more so than is normally allotted for a single day. That makes for a whole lot of battles to be battled through, but that comes with one guarantee: that the night will be filled with raging battles to quench one's thirst for them.

Four years ago: 3DS Pokémon Themes

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