Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Season of Discovery

A little while ago, Pokémon Go announced its new season. The next three months ahead will be known as the "Season of Discovery", and there's a certain significance for it. It's billed as a way of finding out about new species that are due to make their way in soon, as well as new things about old species alike. Naturally, I'd like to think that this can happen even beyond the confines of Pokémon Go, so like the start of the previous season, I will be discussing this in a half-and-half manner, for what it entails in Pokémon Go and what it means for Pokémon at present in a broad and more general sense.

To start off this season, Pokémon Go has the "three titans" (Regirock, Regice, and Registeel) in raids for the next week and a half, followed by a surprise.. though I would think this "surprise" is predictable. Surprises will also be abound in happenings that pertain to this month and especially the next, though faithful fans ought to know that there is always a certain special thing that goes on in the summer for Pokémon Go. Admittedly, the certain special thing will feel even more special this year with a grand anniversary for Pokémon itself, but that's something to discover when the time comes.

And then there's that grand anniversary. The theme of "discovery", besides being fitting with Pokémon in general, is quite appropriate for the grand anniversary. Much still awaits to be "discovered" through revelations of festive things - for example, more exhibits on the anniversary web site and more artists for the P25 Music project. For those who haven't experienced the newer side of Pokémon things (like New Pokémon Snap or games on the Switch in general), discovery may be regarded to be a necessary prompt for the best Pokémon experience, especially as the anniversary progresses.

To have a full season dedicated to discoveries is very much appropriate, especially if they can happen every day, as something beyond Pokémon has once suggested. A season is more than one day, so the potential is greatly increased over all its days. Bearing that in mind, the Season of Discovery in Pokémon Go will have to furnish many opportunities as such, and it seems discernible that it will likely be so. Then there are still many more things for Pokémon in general waiting for any fan to discover in light of the grand anniversary. I say that it's time to get on to seeking all those discoveries that await.

Two years ago: Techno-Poké-Captain
Four years ago: (Self) References

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