Monday, May 31, 2021

The Peak of Legends

Today marks the end of the Season of Legends in Pokémon Go. I've looked at my previous end-of-season post, and I've noticed that not only is it not tagged for Pokémon Go, it also doesn't pertain to it much, except for a bit of one of the events there. I've decided that the method of coverage may be good enough - to approach it without specifically in entirety tying it to Pokémon Go - and now is that time, with today being the end of the season.

"Legendary" is a common concept in Pokémon, as it describes a class of very special Pokémon, often with supreme stats. It is also closely associated with the similar concept of "Mythical" for yet another class of Pokémon. It could be that even with these descriptors, it may be hard for some people to realize the relevance of the concepts to the Pokémon of concern (in a way, being that the "legend" is a "myth"). But given the right circumstances, they will realize that relevance and make certain Pokémon of these descriptors a priority (in a way, being "legendary again").

That seems to be the way that things have gone in much of my Pokémon affairs during the season as it pertains to Pokémon Go and the Pokémon that are manifested there, especially with the debut of a number of Legendary Pokémon or at least their forms. After much of the raid efforts, some Pokémon were definitely realized as such. In other Pokémon areas, I've seen first-hand of certain relevance that were realized, for both Legendary/Mythical Pokémon or otherwise, which became quite stunning. At the beginning of the season, I noted that certain musicians can be "legendary" as well, and Katy Perry's contribution to the P25 Music project definitely manifested as such for those who realize its message deep down inside. 

As with the previous end-of-season post, I'm loath to call it "the end" because of the possibility of more things down the road, and that has been proven true for the "celebrations" of last season. Ultimately, though, the closure of this season is still a peak for what has been afforded all throughout the season. Even without the moniker of "legend", things may still very well be "legendary", and it may not take very much to realize that with all things Pokémon.

Two years ago: A New Pokémon "Wave"
Three years ago: Off We Go... to Alola!

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