Friday, May 21, 2021

Anime with Mixed Language Content?

The Pokémon anime is today known all over the world, including beyond its original Japanese rendition. All or part of the anime can and have been adapted in various languages, including English. Even so, some fans may prefer ones in certain languages for various reasons, whether understanding or enjoyment or even others. That leads to the consideration of mixing and matching the content of the Pokémon anime as they are rendered in different languages for the purpose of satisfying particular fans.

For other anime, this has been known to happen. Some people like the English dub content of a particular anime yet also still like the songs (openings and endings) that are in the original Japanese, so the anime is presented with the songs still in Japanese; of course, it may also be that the dub production didn't cover adapting the songs, and the manner of presentation may only be purely a matter of necessity in case of this situation. Still, even in this state, that may already be pleasing enough for some people.

For the Pokémon anime, the situation has in fact happened. The production of the local dub where I am doesn't cover adapting the songs, likely not because they can't but the people don't want to deal with it, as other anime has had a few of their songs adapted. Thus, the anime is often presented with the openings and endings in Japanese, while the episodic content is in the local language. Recently, though, the anime has had the interesting case of having song content in English and episodic content in the local language due to production being based on the English dub instead. Personally, I prefer a full English presentation, but since I connect with some of the Japanese songs, some of the latter can be kept - but good Pokémon content is good anyhow.

Evidently, I have my preferences as do other fans. But it's also hard to deny that besides the original Japanese production, lots of work has been put in to make the Pokémon anime more digestible or palatable to certain segments of people, whether local or global. To that end, there may still be yet some mixing and matching of the language content of the anime - whether necessitated by production or desired by the fans - to make viewing and enjoying the anime more pleasant no matter where fans might be.

One year ago: More Virulent Impacts
Three years ago: Throwing Poké Balls
Four years ago: Cosplay: East and West

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