Saturday, May 29, 2021

The State of Nominations, Part 10

I must admit, recent businesses - Pokémon or otherwise - have kept me from making too many nominations for PokéStops in Pokémon Go. However, it remains an important process nonetheless to expand the Pokémon Go and maintain an abundance of PokéStops, so it must be done if at all possible. Within my reduced capacity, I've still managed to partake in the process to some extent, and that deserves a progress update in the form of this post after the previous one a couple of months ago.

And of course, there are the numbers to deal with. To date, 57 of my nominations in total have been approved, a good increase from 53 of the last time. Currently progressing nominations number to 9 distinct ones and 2 re-nominations from previously rejected ones. Superseded (11) and rejected (26) nominations are the same as they were last time, though I can't do much about the former, while I may be able to do something else for the latter. Therefore, some good progress is still warranted.

While I haven't been too active in nominating new PokéStops, I've been active in editing their information. Most of the edits have been to the names of PokéStops to add specificity or correct certain mistakes, while there are a few edits to descriptions to add ones for those that don't have them, and one is for a slight location shift. Two such edits from earlier this year were in fact approved, making the PokéStop more accurate in representing the location. These edits have some importance too.

I may be about to be more free in the upcoming days, including for other businesses that are also as desperately urgent as some of the recent businesses. To make up for the lack of recent nominations, I may want to set aside a day for "mass nominations" that I've planned even as early as the beginning of this year. Even if I'm not, then I may just be able to scout closer nominations and take care of them instead while I plan out when I can exactly make that happen, as it should happen.

I'm always enthused at the prospect of nominating landmarks and important places in the real world for Pokémon Go, including what it means for myself and other people: possible new PokéStops and an expansion that makes in-game happenings more bearable in specific areas. And so, the process is expected to continue, even in my current state of being tasked with a lot of other things. The hope is for a lot more good things in further updates as well as in game events down the line.

Two years ago: Lure Modules Evolve
Three years ago: The "Attractors"
Four years ago: A Hero Looks to the Sky

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