Tuesday, May 4, 2021

On Pokémon Submarines

When I wrote up the post that brought up the discussion of possible Pokémon vehicles, I wanted to discuss about Pokémon submarines, which was also partially the inspiration for the post. However, at around the same time, there was also an unfolding real tragedy involving a submarine, so out of respect, I avoided bringing up the subtopic despite its total relevance, only hinting about it where appropriate, as in the beginning. By now, though, the mourning period has effectively passed, so it seems viable to be discussed.

Of these, the most iconic are the ones from the anime that belong to Team Rocket, as the Magikarp and Gyarados submarines. These are novel in that one is long and slim while the other is short and fat; not to mention, they are both pedal-powered, making them also environmentally friendly. Even with this in mind, their viability is a little "off the wall" because of their power requirements, if not for the fact that they've also been calamitous. It may still be possible to realize them minus the pedal power.

Other than in the form of these two Pokémon, it doesn't seem that there are many other Pokémon that could be adapted to the form of a submarine. Wailmer and Wailord are known for their expansive size even in their normal appearance, and they can be foreseen to be adapted into one. Among the largest water Pokémon, there is also Kyogre, which has a form that may also be adapted to a submarine form barring a few adjustments. Others will likely need major adjustments that greatly modify their form.

Unlike airplanes, submarines are really a class of special-purpose vehicles, and not many people (or Pokémon fans) are expected to be able to set foot in one, much less create one that is adapted from Pokémon. Yet the idea of a Pokémon submarine may be enticing to even the most dedicated of fans, which may become the consideration for the realization of a particular one, whether original or adapted.

With that, it is also important to respect the recent real tragedy that befell the submarine and to honor those who were directly involved. Their spirits will always live on wherever they go on their "eternal patrol", and it may even be a drive for Pokémon fans to perhaps follow in the inspiration of their footsteps. Be strong (see below).

One year ago: Be Strong

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