Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The Hum of (Pokémon) Life

And all the light, will be, will be
And all the future prophecy
And all the waves, the sea, the sea
And on the road, are you and me
And all the stars, without a name
And all the skies, that look the same
And all the clouds, that fade, and then
Then all of this, begins again...
-- "The Humming...", Enya

Lately, it seems that life for me has been repeating itself in different ways. This includes affairs of Pokémon or otherwise. The ways that life progresses and then repeats is evocative of a "buzzing cadence", so to speak - a hum, in a way. That is then evocative of this song by Enya, which also becomes even more pertinent to the way that (things in) my life are currently going even with Pokémon, and makes for a thoughtful discussion as well.

If this song can be summed up in a few words, it is that life goes on. The lights on the horizon, the waves on the sea, the clouds in the sky - they all have their ways of going on. Time and moments within it are fleeting, only obeying to the one constant that is change. And everyone, even Pokémon Trainers like me, continue down the road that is set and more likely to change, but also possibly to repeat, like for me recently.

Specifically for Pokémon Trainers, life is a hum. They scout for Pokémon to battle with and the new challenges ahead, prepare for them, battle, and then things begin again. For them, this is a normal way of life, while other things in life progress as evoked in the song. At least a few Trainers would be observant of these progressions and they could naturally adjust their training progressions by what they observe.

In doing so, life really has to go on somehow, even with the involvement of Pokémon in different ways and no matter how that is. With luck, that "buzzing cadence" or hum may just be felt as life goes on, even in a repeating fashion. Personally, as a Pokémon fan, I'm happy for the repeating progress when Pokémon also becomes involved, and it may be the hum that I ought to be feeling as one.

One year ago: Better for the World

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