Saturday, May 22, 2021

Let's Talk About Filling in Things

Me: All right, it seems that now is a good opportunity for a "Let's Talk".

Ash: OK, so we usually talk about things when you send me to events or conventions. This time... is it what I think it is?

Me: In a way, yes. Things don't seem to look too good for them right now, so you're not likely to see one any time soon.

Ash: I'm not sure you even want me to travel far for them even if there is one somewhere far away.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Same here!"]

Ash: Isn't that right?

Me: Yes, you're right. Some things I can't stress enough. So for now, just be patient until a local one can get up and running.

Ash: Sure!

Me: In the meantime, we can still talk about different things to fill the time. That's one way of "filling in things".

Ash: I see what you mean. What other Pokémon things can you fill in, besides talking with me?

Me: You'd be surprised. For one, there's a T-shirt that I had made with your likeness on it.

Ash: Oh hey! That's really awesome!

Pikachu: Pi pika pika! ["So awesome!"]

Ash: But you'll still send me to places, right?

Me: Of course. This is not a replacement for that. This is more of a spiritual thing for me, just to show people what I like and to get in a Pokémon mood when it seems out of place to send you.

Ash: And we can still talk about them too.

Me: Certainly. As for other things to fill out, today I happened to receive something that neatly did that for something related to Pokémon that I've already previously detailed.

Ash: Oh, what could that be?

Pikachu: Pika? ["Hmm?"]

Me: Well, you'll have to see. It might have something to do with Poké Balls, Alola, and something neat that certain Pokémon can do. I'd like to cover them all, but I'll do that personally soon enough.

Ash: You're keeping it as a surprise for everyone.

Me: It's not a surprise for those in the know regarding what I'm talking about, but yes, for others, it would be. I say, keep a watch on this.

Ash: That should be neat.

Me: Oh, I'd say so, very much. One more thing to fill in (and close out) this conversation: it's been exactly one year since I formally started the initiative of us talking together when there are no events and conventions, and I think that's a great thing.

Ash: I do too. We can make do with this for as long as you wish.

Me: You bet. It's also the day of your supposed "special day", at least two years since I've recognized it. It may be debatable, but it's a happy conjecture as far as I'm concerned.

Ash: Thanks! I also spoke my mind two years ago, and I think it's also a great day no matter what.

Pikachu: Pika pika, pika chu! ["Yes, that's nice!"]

Me: It's only right on your special day that we fill in a few things - perhaps, so that you and I can fill in more things in the future.

Ash: That's a nice way of looking at it.

Me: So, may our Pokémon lives be filled in to the fullest, just like a Pokédex.

Ash: I can't wait for us to do just that!

Two years ago: After All These Years
Three years ago: GiRL (Gyms in Real Life)
Four years ago: To Japan and Beyond

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