Saturday, May 8, 2021

The Lengths We Go To... T-Shirt

Some years ago, a certain company created a novel ad campaign. That campaign is titled "The Lengths We Go To", and it is exemplary of what they do. They want to make people feel special, so they make the (extra) effort to make the people - their customers - feel (extra) special. That would mean bringing the things they like, making them feel comfortable, and allowing them to have the best experience possible, as if they were at home or at least the places where they belong. Even if one doesn't deal with them, it has to be admitted that the mission is noble.

In the same way, I'd like to think that Pokémon Trainers share much of the same spirit. If they intend to be the best, they'll likely make much of the (extra) effort to become so. And even if it doesn't beget results instantly, at least it becomes one or more steps to take them to where they want or should be. Personally, I know one Pokémon Trainer for whom this applies rather perfectly and is admirable as such, even to the point of being noble just like the mission of the ad campaign.

In fact, I'm rather inspired. So much so that it has resulted in me wanting to make a printed T-shirt to exemplify that... and I did:

I've actually had the idea for this T-shirt since 8 years ago, which is around the time the ad campaign popped up, and this also explains why it has Unova saga graphics: it was then contemporary, for me at least. The design was quickly conceived in a day or so, with the image of Ash and Pikachu plus the words as the front of the shirt and the Pokémon logo on the back (which can't be seen here). The words set in similar style as the Pokémon logo are directly taken from one of the ads of the campaign, which happens to be the ultimate one and struck a chord for me and in relation to Ash.

When I went to print it at that time, however, I did find a print shop who took it up... but then they promptly closed forever and I never heard from the print shop again. The design lay dormant all those years, but then an opportunity came up a couple of weeks ago to realize the design with the help of a friend looking to make a printed T-shirt of his own. It was also then that I unearthed the design again, and this time with the aid of the design team for the print shop, the background was added to the shirt front for extra flair. After a long wait, the shirt was completed earlier this week and I received it today. Despite the dated retro design, the message is still felt to be relevant today, which is why I stuck with the design.

It may be that for anyone for whom Pokémon is highly related, they may just "go the extra mile" to pursue Pokémon experiences, including any that might be relevant even if just a little bit. That "go-the-extra-mile" spirit fits right in with the old ad campaign, and it all fits in. I'd say my efforts with the T-shirt above can be succinctly described as such, and it works out to a perfect reminder of what can be done however far one goes, especially with Pokémon.

Two years ago: Looking from Far Away
Four years ago: Ash and Pikachu Keychain

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