Thursday, May 6, 2021

On "Digital Talents" and Pokémon

Pokémon is and always will be renowned for its games in all their forms. Many of those games are in electronic and thusly digital in some way; therefore, they require people of specific skills - that pertain to this realm, certainly - to be able to develop them. Those skills would have to be coupled with good and developed talents in order to result in good things, as it always has. That would, in effect, demand "digital talents" to be able to join the development effort and make the things that Pokémon are renowned for. "Digital talents" is also a key term around my local area, and a case can be made for linking this term to Pokémon.

The term primarily refers to a government initiative and program to scout people who possess capabilities of digital things, develop them to the best of their abilities, and prepare them to work in industries that demand their capabilities. The creative industry and gaming industry are certainly possible lead-ins, to which Pokémon is  related. While it may not be expected that the participants and graduates of the program will work on a Pokémon project directly, they may still work on projects of the relevant industries, and just perhaps in the future, they might get picked up for something connected to Pokémon, which would be the most wonderful case.

One of my very good friends has actually been a part of this program, and that friend of mine has connections to Pokémon that are just as unbelievable as mine. The output of my friend for the program is quite laudable and my friend is totally deserving to be a participant of this program. Beyond that, my friend is also quite tech-savvy with the possessed understanding of technology; because of that, my friend also understands the ins and outs (mostly, at least) of what's going on with Pokémon games and their related technology. Everything thus works out in the favor of my friend.

As for myself, I'm honestly not sure whether I'm cut out to participate in this program. I do have some understanding of technology that predates what I know now, but overall, my educational and knowledge background isn't of technology or the related sciences, despite possessing good grades and some interest for them. Now I'm fully entrenched in language and linguistics, and that is my "daily bread" when it comes to scrutinizing things like Pokémon, which I'm certainly doing right now with this post. But at least some of what I know then and now helps with my current state of affairs. It has been said that the program is open to all, so I may just be open.

For something that is very much related to technology, at least in the vein of its various electronic games, Pokémon demands the availability of "digital talents" to continue endeavors within it and beyond. Much can be said for the people who possess capabilities as such, whether or not they participate in the related development program and whether or not they go on to participate in the development of something related to Pokémon. At least fans that are less tech-savvy for me can support their efforts, especially if related to Pokémon, and then we can all reap the fruits of their labor.

Two years ago: A Tropius Keychain
Four years ago: Shuffling Stages

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