Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Road to Victory

Well, since I've covered it in past years albeit indirectly, it seems apt to keep doing so (it shifts; it's always one and a half weeks or so earlier each year, and this is last year's). Today is that special day for a good group of people, and that seems to be a good succinct description. It also goes by another description for yet others: "the day of victory". Being that I'm a Pokémon fan, "victory" is a key word, as that is a desirable result of battles. It's also an important description for another thing, being a place called the Victory Road. This one is perhaps just as significant as victories in battle.

Victory Road refers to stretch of path before the Pokémon League, often including a complex dungeon, that tests the persistence of Trainers before they reach the ultimate pinnacle of that destination. The complexity of the dungeon is veritable, with twisty paths of both ground and water. The road is teeming with wild Pokémon of advanced stages that may be difficult to battle down and just as hard to capture. Moreover, there are many other Trainers along this road, and they too are difficult to be defeated. But it is assured that any Trainer who makes it through all of that would certainly be ready for the Pokémon League waiting at the other end.

For "the day of victory", some comparisons can be made. There is a path to the "victory", but it's one that is (more specifically, was) traversed across the one month before the day. If the Victory Road brings about challenges that result from things being present, the path to "the day of victory" brings about challenges that result from things being absent instead - and that's even with sparing much of details. Also, it is almost certain that Victory Road can be traversed in much less than a month (hopefully not much more than a few days), but the path to "the day" always takes that one month, no more and no less. The two appear to be quite stark.

The takeaway of both, however, is the same: before a victory, there needs to be a challenge, or even a trial. Such would prove that one would be fitting for the victory. In more general terms, it can be described as "one reaps what one sows", in this case of a good result (victory) out of a long and/or arduous process. That's always a good advice to follow, whether one is dealing with getting to the place of an ultimate challenge or just simply completing a one-month trial.

It has obviously been one month of trials to get to this day, so therefore this day is very much special. So too is the Pokémon League, a hallowed place that requires one to take a stride through a challenging road. Either way, at the end, victory awaits those whose struggles are sincere and outstanding.

May we all have the power to drive through the course to our respective victories.

Four years ago: Cosplay Photography

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