Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Three Bears

There's a certain trio of bears that some people enjoy, though I've seen them and am not quite fond of them. I might have even mentioned them on this blog once, but to dissociate the context from Pokémon. Even so, it seems that there's still some relevance on the Pokémon side of things, at least from a purely apparent and attributive aspect. And with respect to Pokémon, the same trio of bears can be described in terms of three Pokémon species (and incidentally families as well).

The first bear is Beartic and certainly its predecessor Cubchoo. They're the bears of the cold - they live and thrive in areas too cold for most other Pokémon. Incidentally, they're representative of the Ice type, and they are properly as such. They're also known for the clear spot on their faces, which for the base form takes the form of a dripping snot from the nose, while for the evolved form takes the form of an icy beard and mustache. It makes them look a bit odd, but they still hold their own.

Then there are a pair of brown bears of the Normal type, the veritable Ursaring that comes from the base form of Teddiursa. The latter is sweet as sweet can be, obviously being a "teddy bear" and having an affinity for honey; in fact, it is said that it can concoct its own honey, particularly with usage of its own digits, which are as sweet as their concoctions. Meanwhile, the former is an adept hunter and gatherer, particularly for itself as it prepares to hibernate. The skills of these two certainly "run in the family", so to speak.

The third of the bears is the "panda family" of Pangoro and its little kin of Pancham. In real life, pandas are mostly calm animals, but these Pokémon depart a bit from that. They appear more fierce, or at least try to in the case of the little kin, right up until it evolves and is truly fierce-looking; both are of the Fighting type, but Pangoro additionally gains the Dark type, evidently supporting their respective attitudes. It may be that one may have to be wary when dealing with the Pokémon of this family.

Considering the above, they're a complementary trio in more ways than one. Besides being the bears that they are, they're all also species families with two stages, and they're representative of certain specific types. While I'm still not quite fond of the trio of bears I'm referencing with these Pokémon (and are not likely to be any time soon), at least the reference can still be made with Pokémon, which pleases me to end, as well those who enjoy them in addition to Pokémon.

Three years ago: To Know the Unknown
Four years ago: You Are Blessed

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