Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Missed Pokémon Merchandise in Snacks

As evidenced by some older posts on this blog, I enjoy buying food that allows me to obtain Pokémon merchandise. It's a neat way of obtaining said merchandise while having a treat. However, over time, I've missed or had to miss the opportunity to obtain certain pieces of merchandise from or with food. Some local snacks in particular have included some sort of neat Pokémon merchandise that I've missed for various reasons, and now I'd like to detail them even though I don't possess them.

Most recently, a popular local brand of chocolate paste (not like a certain popular chocolate hazelnut spread, more like a chocolate confection in paste form), included some mini Pokémon figures that are somewhat tied to the local broadcast of the anime from last year. The problem is that the mini figures are obtained by buying a rather big box of that paste, and I'm not quite fond of eating the confection (which comes in individual tubes), let alone a big box full of them. One of my friends did buy the box and got a neat Poké Ball as a result; based on pictures, I'd say it's pretty impressive, but I wouldn't shell out for something I won't eat, particularly for just a small figure. Thus, I have to take a pass on this one. 

Before this chocolate confection, another brand of chocolate confection, this time also as well known internationally as locally, sold individual tubs of soft chocolate that could be licked and had a Pokémon merchandise tie-in. The merchandise takes the form of small whistles, which I must say is rather unique. For that reason, I had intended to obtain this, but the product and I kept missing each other, and thus I never had a chance. As with the previous merchandise, another one of my friends was able to obtain the goods, and that friend even said that the whistle makes a neat sound. I have to say that I regret missing this one, despite the nature of the confection being similar to the previous, though I'll gladly even consume just one for a single piece. 

Many years ago, when Pokémon was still in its infancy, a brand of bagged snacks had a merchandise tie-in in the form of "construction chips" that in large numbers could be linked to one another to create interesting shapes. The obvious problem is that during the infancy of Pokémon, I wasn't where I am, so I therefore had to miss them for that reason. Every so often, a person will reminisce about these "chips" and post an image of them, rekindling everyone's memories. Though these "chips" may still be found occasionally today as tie-ins, they are unlinked to Pokémon; only the ones from back then are linked, which are the ones of concern. I miss them as much as others who had obtained them once missed them. 

All these three pieces of Pokémon merchandise are as neat for their links to the franchise as they are to the way that they are obtained, which is by purchase of certain snacks. It is a shame, though, that I have or had to miss out on them due to a variety of reasons. But that won't stop me from planning to obtain other Pokémon merchandise offered with food in the future, so long as I am able and willing; it remains a neat way of distribution that makes me appreciate the Pokémon merchandise itself as much as the food that it is linked with.

Two years ago: To Know the Unknown
Three years ago: You Are Blessed

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