Sunday, May 2, 2021

New Pokémon Snap Unleashed

Typically, I don't make an "Unleashed" post for a Pokémon game other than the main series games, but given that the game in the title of this post (New Pokémon Snap) has some significance, I've decided to cover it as such. It also happens to come a couple of days late than the actual release date, which is April 30, but that may be OK for some added perspectives on the release of the game. And so, it was a couple of days ago that the "refresh" of the Pokémon photography game was released to faithful fans, and a few things can be noted about the release.

The game is a full-fledged Pokémon game almost on par with a main series game, including its price tag. In these times, that may make some fans pause before getting the game, unless they have plenty of resources and the means to make things happen, which may be the case for one of my fellow fans, who has demonstrated possession of the game within a mere single day of the release. As for actual gameplay, that may still take time as that particular fellow seems to be absorbed into a lot of things and have also demonstrated the qualities of being a "seasonal" gamer; regardless, some things may just come up from the fellow in question.

Meanwhile, there are no signs that any of my other fellows (who certainly possess the means to play it - the Switch) have obtained the game, but all the same, it may be an information that I'm not privy to. Likewise, it's highly likely they'll show off some things as well if they do have the game, as the game is meant to show off all kinds of things. As noted way back in the anniversary edition of Pokémon Presents, the game is for the taking of pictures, but it also contains features for embellishing pictures, which are ultimately geared for presenting them - that is, showing them off.

It's been years since the original Pokémon Snap was released, and Pokémon has come a long, long way since then. New Pokémon Snap marries the core concept of the game with the latest and greatest in Pokémon for something that not only individual players can enjoy but also everyone in different communities. That's rather significant, as significant as the moment of its current release, which dedicated fans will likely take advantage of given the necessary resources. With luck, there should be now a great potential of Pokémon pictures waiting to be made through the means of the game.

One year ago: Pervasive Pokémon
Two years ago: Hit in the KOR
Three years ago: Keeping the Demo Versions
Four years ago: Cosplay Laundry

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