Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Forgotten (Event) Days

Today is a Tuesday, which means that for Pokémon Go there is an expected Spotlight Hour, and there was (in my local area at least, at the time of publication of this post). However, it seems that some people still have managed to forget and thereby miss the event that by now has become regular. It has happened at least a couple of times, and I became a reluctant witness to at least a few of these occurrences, past and present. It could be described as a little concerning, and therefore I have to write about it.

It should be noted that there have been plenty of reminders about the regular event in the form of news bulletins, reminders from friends, and even pop-up notifications, but some still manage to forget even with all of these. But then again, I don't have much say if the people in question are absorbed in whatever activities they have going on up to the point that they completely forget. I'm likely to commit (and have committed) the same thing myself if I'm not fully prepared, though I hope it only rarely happens no matter how much I've prepared.

For intense Pokémon fans, the problem of forgetting events may be compounded further with all the events in all the games that they play. They could be involved in the events of a game to neglect ones in another, with the respective consequences of such a happening for each of the games. At that point, one would either have to schedule everything or focus on something, which duly has its consequences as well.

And of course, when things happen, they just happen. At that point, I'm tempted to listen to "Forgotten Yesterdays", a piece by Yanni, to lament for all the things - Pokémon or otherwise - that have been forgotten in their circumstances of occurrence. The progression of the piece is as fragmented as the memories of past and forgotten (or perhaps close to forgotten) moments and events, which I may or may not stand to remember.

So the events, especially in Pokémon games, continue on their merry way to be experienced by everyone, particularly those who remember to partake in them. It may be hoped that the recall and execution of the events may remain memorable for as long as they can be before they are lost into the realm of the "forgotten yesterday" for one reason or another.

Three years ago: Just Like a Rainbow

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