Friday, May 28, 2021

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 5/28/2021

OK, the rollup of events for this month in Pokémon Go will be quite different. The reason for this - and I'm being up front about this - is that there are really only two major events this month. At the same time, both of those events practically span two weeks, as one half of one month, give or take. Furthermore, both events can be subdivided into two parts, each with their own special characteristics. The rollup this time thus focuses on the two events, each of their two parts, and what they bring to the table.

The first event started on May 4, close to the beginning of the first full week of the month, was titled Luminous Legends X. Major fans of Pokémon should be able to quickly tell that the event involves Xerneas, one of the Legendary Pokémon from the luminous region of Kalos, and this event in fact marks its debut in raids. Along with this debut comes the debuts of Swirlix, Spritzee, and Goomy to liven things up; the debut of Goomy also introduced a new item, the Rainy Lure Module, to provide an alternative way of evolving its next stage of Sliggoo to Goodra aside from a Rainy weather requirement. Pokémon of the Dragon and Fairy types predominantly took the stage in all possible means (wild, Research, raid, and Eggs). Other special particulars include a Timed Research set and the ability to obtain Community Day special moves for Dragonite and Salamence.

At the beginning of the month, a kind of "global challenge" involving Trainers catching Fairy-type Pokémon was initiated and then completed in a few days. This sets the stage for Part 2 (informally, as it could be referred as such even non-officially) of the event that started a week after Part 1, which is Part 1 with a few extra bonuses achieved by completion of the challenge: a triple XP bonus for captures, debut of Pancham in raids, and availability of Shiny Galarian Ponyta. The XP bonus is always attractive, particularly for those still seeking to go up levels, but the Shiny Galarian Ponyta is something dazzling all its own, especially since Galarian Ponyta is the Field Research Breakthrough for the month. As for Pancham, that would be a sneak peek for the next event to come, during which it is then begotten from 12 km (Strange) Eggs.

That next event is, predictably, called Luminous Legends Y, starting after the two weeks for its X counterpart. This would also be the debut of Yveltal in the same manner as Xerneas in raids. In lieu of Team Flare, Team Go Rocket changes up its rosters for this event, with some appearing radically different, including with the addition of Pancham to the possibilities from the Eggs obtained from Team Go Rocket leaders as above. In line with the Dark type of Yveltal, Pokémon of the Dark type became the predominant ones in all means as above. Likewise, there is also a Timed Research set for this event, and instead of Community Day moves, there is a window for Shadow Pokémon to forget the Charged Move of Frustration, which is especially nice for fans of Shadow Pokémon.

Along with the start of Part 1, there was another "global challenge" of defeating Team Go Rocket Grunts, which was also completed, allowing for triple XP once again and this time along with Galarian Zigzagoon in raids, which could now be possibly Shiny, in Part 2. That Part 2 is quite significant, as it also marks the debut of Sylveon, something that many have waited for, obtained by evolving Eevee after earning a certain amount of Buddy hearts. To commemorate, Eevee and some Fairy-type Pokémon return to the wild and Eggs, while Eevee and its evolutions also make their mark in raids as well as Field Research. This is likewise in addition to the things that were featured in Part 1 and are still featured as of Part 2. Part 2 will also carry through until the end of the month as well as the end of the Season of Legends, which will come in a few days.

The fact that there are only two events does not seem to indicate that this event is a busy month. But considering the above, it was truly a busy month in many ways, as the parts of the events were extensive and filled with things to do for all Trainers. They also really spanned the month and made them perfect for ending the Season of Legends on a high note... and perhaps a shining one due to the luminosity of the Legendary Pokémon and the region from which they originate.

One year ago: Pro Job, Fun Job
Two years ago: Memories of Sinnoh
Three years ago: Helix Fossil Understands

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