Thursday, May 28, 2020

Pro Job, Fun Job

Today's post concerns a topic that I've had in mind for a bit of time but didn't know the best way to address it. However, with my adoption of Ko-fi, it has given a semblance of how to address the topic. In order for me to do many things involving Pokémon or otherwise, I need to be able to obtain (preferably) financial support of some kind. For me, that would mean having a "pro job" and a "fun job". It's a duality with complex interactions and demands.

My "pro job", as I've divulged in a post close to the beginning of the year, is as a translator, befitting my skills as a linguist. And I'm a darn good one; many people rely on me to do things in this area of concern, and I get good money out of it, particularly from one major source. I'm happy to do it, I like to do it, and it's what I can do best. Therefore, I have to maintain this somehow, and if at all possible, I could leverage it for fun things as well.

Meanwhile, my "fun job" is of course what I do with and around Pokémon. Going to events and conventions and participating in the competitions there is one way I attempt to earn something, or at least be compensated for my efforts even if it may not be in the form of finances. And then there is this blog, for which I still believe earnings can occur, which is why I initially opened donations and then just recently adopted Ko-fi. This too has to continue.

Both of these have to continue for additional reasons. One can take the pressure off of the other - my "fun job" can become a break from my "pro job", and my "pro job" helps when my "fun job" is not viable. In any case, I am still deeply passionate about Pokémon and if it happens that I can contribute to it with sufficient rewards, then I may let it (the "fun job") take a slightly greater precedence. Certainly, it does not mean letting go of my "pro job" as a necessary stopgap measure.

In a way, I'm leading a "dual life", one with my "pro job" as a translator/linguist and another with my "fun job" with Pokémon and everything else. Still, they are both within the same life and have the possibility of interacting with each other, so it can almost hardly be described as "dual". What remains the same is that both of them have to support each other and financially if possible. That's a big thing, but then so is my life with both the "pro" and "fun" jobs.

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