Sunday, May 28, 2017

Takara Tomy Pokémon XY Pikachu Plush Doll

Remember that camera+doll offer that I saw the other day? To be honest, I already have a high-quality Pikachu doll, minus the camera of course. This one is a rare find among fans in my area, and for a good reason: this doll came directly from the Land of the Rising Sun by way of one of my relatives, who knows that I am a big Pokémon fan and got it specifically to satisfy that reason. It's something that I welcome and appreciate so much, even considering the quality and appearance of the doll.

The doll is not quite big; it's about 25 x 25 x 15 cm all around. Even so, the details of the doll are excellent. I like how the digits on the hands and feet are easily visible and tangible in addition to the curvature around the limbs. The facial and body proportions are aesthetically pleasing; the elements of the face are big enough to make the face look cute and the stripes on the back fit the body. The tail is not fluffy, but then again this is an official merchandise and therefore the standards have been set. Even the left ear is slightly offset on the vertical as a quirk. Every detail makes this doll what it is.

This doll came attached to a paper base, but as with anything Pokémon, I like the base as much as the doll. So the base is not leaving this doll; it'll remain to be a part of the display for this doll. I say "display" because I do not intend to use this doll for actual doll purposes, at least not for much of the time. It's just too pretty and too cute for the latter, but this works great for the former. That the base and the doll remain intact together serves this purpose well.

Such a rare doll is totally worth having, with or without a camera in tow. In that regard, I'm pretty blessed to have just this doll with all its visible features and quirks. I can't hope to have every single Pikachu doll there is, but to have something as great as this is just plain wonderful. For those who do go to Japan and like Pokémon and/or Pikachu, it is highly recommended to pick up a doll like this on the way back; it can be an expression of gratitude later on, as with this one.

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